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iOS Swift Functions and Optionals Parameters and Tuples Tuples

Bennett Desmond
Bennett Desmond
595 Points

Why does the reader not read my Tuple when it runs perfectly on a swift playground?

func greeting(person: String) -> (String,String) {
    let language = "English"
    let greeting = "Hello \(person)"    
    return (greeting,language)
func greeting(person: String) -> (String,String) {
    let language = "English"
    let greeting = "Hello \(person)"    
    return (greeting,language)

1 Answer

Hi Bennett,

Code can work in a playground but not pass the challenge as the tests sitting behind the challenge are looking for specific outputs, not just correct syntax. You have entered syntactically correct code in your playground but that doesn't meet the requirements of the challenge as there are additional elements beyond correct syntax that are being tested.

The issue here is, I think, that you've not named your returned tuple elements. They should be called greeting and language, in that order. As the question states Make sure to name each item in the tuple: greeting and language.

Where you return the tuple, name each element, as required, such as:

func greeting (person: String) -> (greeting: String, language: String) {
    let language = "English"
    let greeting = "Hello \(person)"    
    return (greeting, language)

That should pass the tests. Let me know if it doesn't!


Bennett Desmond
Bennett Desmond
595 Points

Thank you Steve, it worked!!!!

No problem! Glad it worked for you. :-)