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HTML How to Make a Website Creating HTML Content Use the Navigation Element

Jonathan Baumgarten
Jonathan Baumgarten
Courses Plus Student 1,467 Points

Why wasn't <nav> used to wrap <h1> or <h2> but used for the three <li>'s??

Why was the navigation element only used with regard to listing and not originally by anchoring the header?

4 Answers

Hugo Ballesteros
Hugo Ballesteros
15,945 Points

The <nav> tag in new in HTML5 and usually used to defines a set of navigation links. Also take into account that IE8 and earlier versions don't support the tag so I would not advise you to use it to wrap. For which purpose you want to use this tag?

Jonathan Baumgarten
Jonathan Baumgarten
Courses Plus Student 1,467 Points

In the instruction video "Nick Pettit" used it to wrap an unordered list of links. So I was wondering why he used it to wrap the three links: "Designer, About, and Contacts" , but didn't use it to wrap the h1 and h2 elements. Thanks!

Hugo Ballesteros
Hugo Ballesteros
15,945 Points

In HTML we had the "div" tag, with the advent of HTML5 besides the "div" tag have defined a specific tags for more orderly Markup Structure. Each of these tags is for a particular use; obviously you can use it wherever you want but it is not recommended. In the following link you can see some of them:
