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iOS Swift Functions and Optionals Parameters and Tuples Tuples

would appreciate some help

I do not fully understand what is needed to be done in this question I understand tuple but stuck on how to answer this question. if someone could break it down to me would really appreciate it

thank you,

func greeting(person: String) -> String {
    let language = "English"
    let greeting = "Hello \(person)"

    return greeting

1 Answer

Sure thing!

First task: Currently our greeting function only returns a single value. Modify it to return both the greeting and the language as a tuple. Make sure to name each item in the tuple: greeting and language

We're given a code snippet of:

func greeting(person: String) -> String {
    let language = "English"
    let greeting = "Hello \(person)"

    return greeting

So, we need to modify the code to return a tuple. And the parts of the tuple need to be named, as required in the question. The returned part of the method is defined in the first line after the -> symbol. We need to tell it that rather than the String it is currently returning, we need it to return a tuple. That is made up of two strings and they're named greeting & language.

That gives us (first line only):

func greeting(person: String) -> (greeting: String, language: String) {

Then, the code body needs amending to actually return those things - the return line needs amending to:

return (greeting, language)

That gives the end method, after the first task, looking like:

func greeting(person: String) -> (greeting: String, language: String) {
    let language = "English"
    let greeting = "Hello \(person)"

    return (greeting, language)

See how you get on with that and shout if you need more!
