- Beginner
About this Course
In this course I'll walk you through the basics of the language, ranging from basic statements to conditionals. We'll be creating a simple "Unit Converter" as well as a "Daily Exercise Program". We'll then finish up by combining those programs with HTML to create a personal webpage to demonstrate your skills.
What you'll learn
- Variables
- Operators
- Conditionals
- Comments
- PHP on the Web
Getting to Know PHP
PHP is one of the most widely used technologies on the internet today, supporting many large projects such as WordPress, Drupal, Wikipedia and Facebook. A conservative estimate is that 25% of the web is built on PHP. The driving force behind PHP has always been; to solve problems, and make it faster and easier to build web sites. Because of this drive, PHP is a great choice for creating simple yet powerful web sites and applications.
6 stepsUnit Converter
PHP has 2 types of number variables: integers, for whole numbers such as 1 though 9, and floats, for fractions such as the cost of 1.99. In this course we'll be creating a simple unit converter which will use these number variables, along with arithmetic operators, to calculate weight and distance conversions.
8 steps-
Variables in PHP
Number Variables
5 questions
Arithmetic Operators
Mathematical Manipulations
5 questions
Creating a Unit Conversion Tool
Manipulating Numbers
3 objectives
Extra Credit
- Reverse the operations:
- Convert Kilograms to Pounds
- Convert Kilometers to Miles.
- Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
- Choose your own conversion
- Reverse the operations:
Daily Exercise Program
In this section, we'll continue to expand upon the skills you've learned, as we explore more data types and the logic needed to create a "Daily Exercise Program". We'll store each exercise in a STRING variable, then we'll use conditionals to control which exercise is displayed.
12 stepsPHP on the Web
In this section, we'll use PHP in combination with HTML to create your first PHP webpage. You'll learn how PHP can reduce busy work and maintenance, allowing us to work faster and be more productive. Finally we'll combine the previous scripts to create a personal webpage to demonstrate your skills.
9 stepsTeacher
Alena Holligan
After starting out in fine art and moving into graphic design, Alena found her passion for programming over 15 years ago and has never looked back. Alena enjoys community and is excited to introduce people to the wonderful world of PHP and the Portland Tech Community.
When not at her computer, Alena enjoys exploring Portland with her friends and family, including her 3 young children. She also enjoys the Symphony, Cooking, Books, Yarn and Yoga.