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This is a sample catalog of all the courses we offer. Browse by topic or difficulty. Sign up today and get access to our entire library. Treehouse students get access to workshops, bonus content, conferences, and more.
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- All Topics
- • AI
- • JavaScript
- • React
- • No Code
- • Python
- • Design
- • HTML
- • CSS
- • Game Development
- • Data Analysis
- • Development Tools
- • Databases
- • Security
- • Digital Literacy
- • Swift
- • Java
- • Machine Learning
- • APIs
- • Professional Skills
- • Computer Science
- • Ruby
- • Quality Assurance
- • PHP
- • Go Language
- • Android
- • Learning Resources
- • College Credit
10 minWorkshop
How to Install Python (Windows)
If you’d like to become a Python developer, installing Python onto your computer is one of the first steps. So far, you may have been working in an online Python editor, such as Treehouse Workspaces. In this workshop, we'll talk about why it’s beneficial to install Python. Then, I’ll walk you through how to do so step by step. Once we’ve done so, we’ll also explore the built-in Python code editor IDLE so we can start using Python right away!
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11 minWorkshop
How to Install Python (macOS)
If you’d like to become a Python developer, installing Python onto your computer is one of the first steps. So far, you may have been working in an online Python editor, such as Treehouse Workspaces. In this workshop, we'll talk about why it’s beneficial to install Python. I’ll walk you through how to do so step by step. Once we’ve done so, we’ll explore the built-in Python code editor, IDLE, so we can start using Python right away!
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1 minWorkshop
Treehouse Features: Workspaces
Laura provides a quick overview of Workspaces. Workspaces allow you to write code and view the results, all within a browser and without installing any additional software!
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47 minWorkshop
How to Use Treehouse
This workshop will introduce you to the Treehouse site and help you get the most out of your Treehouse learning experience.
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9 minWorkshop
GitHub in Workspaces
If you're ready to use GitHub for version control, but want to stick with using Workspaces, this workshop quickly shows how to use these two great tools that work well together.
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26 minWorkshop
Using Treehouse Workspaces
Workspaces is an online text editor and development environment that is integrated with Treehouse. In other words, it's the tool that can help you write the code to make websites and web applications. You can use Workspaces to follow along with Treehouse courses, and you can also use it to build projects on your own and practice coding. In these lessons, we'll take a closer look at Workspaces and learn how to use its features step-by-step.
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Treehouse Club: HTML
If you’ve never written a line of code before, this is the place to start! In this project, you’ll learn how to edit pre-written HTML code. By the end of this course, you’ll be more comfortable with using Treehouse’s programming tool Workspaces and have a basic understanding of HTML structure.
3 hoursBonus Series
Treehouse Quick Tips
Treehouse Quick Tips are fast and easy lessons that you can start applying now. Learn to create stunning designs in Photoshop, beautiful websites, and useful mobile apps for Android and iOS.
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