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Let's start our Pymodoro application. We'll get the app running, create a class to handle the window's configuration and functionality, and start building pieces of our app. We'll create a frame, a grid, and our banner.
The official docs for Tkinter aren't the best in the world but they'll get you started. The TkDocs website provides a more modern overview of the available documentation, and is updated frequently as the library evolves.
More information about colors and fonts.
Terms and things
- A Tkinter application. This is what is responsible for the window or application you see on your screen. You'll end up binding most things to this.
- The loop that keeps your Tkinter app running. This loop runs forever.
- An invisible box that you can put things in.
- A piece of text on the screen.
- A button (whodathunk?!)
- A variable that holds onto a string.
- A variable that holds onto an int.
- A way to follow the changes and access of a variable.
and rowconfigure()
- Methods to configure the number and weight of columns and rows.
- Method to insert a widget in the available space.
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