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Coding for Kids
- All Topics
- • AI
- • JavaScript
- • React
- • No-Code
- • Python
- • Design
- • HTML
- • CSS
- • Game Development
- • Data Analysis
- • Development Tools
- • Databases
- • Security
- • Digital Literacy
- • Swift
- • Java
- • Machine Learning
- • APIs
- • Professional Skills
- • Computer Science
- • Ruby
- • Quality Assurance
- • PHP
- • Go Language
- • Android
- • Learning Resources
- • College Credit
- • Coding for Kids
Coding for Kids
Designed to spark curiosity and problem-solving skills, this topic covers foundational coding concepts, creative coding projects, and beginner-friendly programming languages like Python.
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Python for Kids
Learn the building blocks of the wonderful general purpose programming language Python.
2 minBonus Series
A Developer's Adventure with AI
Step right into the captivating world of a Developer's imagination as we invite you to join us on an exciting adventure. An adventure where we bring an idea to life using nothing more than our best friends: ChatGPT and Github Copilot.
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20 minWorkshop
Hello Computer Science
In this workshop, students are introduced to fundamental Computer Science (CS) concepts. This workshop unpacks the history of computer science, defines key terms, and identifies common elements across multiple disciplines.
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21 minWorkshop
Hello UX
User Experience Design, commonly called UX Design, encompasses all aspects of a user's interaction with a company, its services, and its products. UX designers prioritize the needs of users and create solutions through empathy. So when UX designers help design a product or service for a company, we’re constantly asking ourselves: who are that company’s users? What do the users want to achieve? What obstacles stand in their way? And how can we minimize those obstacles and make the experience of our users a positive one?
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33 minWorkshop
Hello Front-End Web Development (FEWD)
Front-end web developers write the code that turns a static mockup into an interactive web page. In this workshop, we’ll take a look at the types of code front-end developers write, and even try it out ourselves. But before we do that, let’s take a closer look at the term front-end. Front-end developers are sometimes referred to as client-side developers, since everything we code is directly viewable by the client–in other words, the visitor to our website or app.
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18 minWorkshop
Hello Full Stack JavaScript
This workshop provides an introduction to Full Stack JavaScript. Learn about the difference between front and back-end programming. Start writing code in JavaScript and making changes to web pages.
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33 minWorkshop
Hello Python
An introduction to the Python programming language. Learn about what backend development is and how Python differs from other programming languages. Jump into writing code and creating your first small program.
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21 minBonus Series
How to Learn
Learning can be challenging. But having the proper mindset and a good set of strategies for studying and practice can help you learn faster and better. In this series of videos learn helpful techniques to boost your learning, and discover what the latest scientific research has to tell us about how to learn.
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How the Internet Works
Knowing how the technology you use everyday works will make you a more thoughtful and powerful user of technology. In this course we'll explore how the Internet works, by investigating hardware like routers, switches, and servers and the TCP/IP protocols that define how information moves from computer to computer.
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How the Web Works
In order to surf the world wide web, you need an application called a web browser. You're probably familiar with this, you might even be learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to program for the web, but have you ever looked into how it works? In this course, we'll dissect each aspect of how the web works. You'll learn about URLs, domain names, IP addresses, the domain name system, and the HTTP protocol, to be fully prepared for web development or just a more knowledgeable web user.
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Computer Basics
In this course we're going to challenge what it means to be digitally literate by pulling back the curtain of how computers work. By the end of this course you should have a foundational understanding of computers and how we communicate with them.
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Treehouse Club: JavaScript
In the Car Sounds project, you learn how to edit pre-written HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code to add functionality to a web page. Some features you will use are buttons, audio tags, and JavaScript events.
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Treehouse Club: CSS
In this project, you will learn how to edit pre-written code to style a web page for desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. You’ll begin by seeing how to connect a CSS stylesheet to an HTML document. Next you’ll edit some CSS and be exposed to basic CSS structure. Finally, you'll use new tags to make text colorful, choose fonts, upload pictures, and more.
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Treehouse Club: HTML
If you’ve never written a line of code before, this is the place to start! In this project, you’ll learn how to edit pre-written HTML code. By the end of this course, you’ll be more comfortable with using Treehouse’s programming tool Workspaces and have a basic understanding of HTML structure.
2 hoursBonus Series
Code Racer
Learn how we built Code Racer, which is a real-time multiplayer game where people learn how to create a basic HTML web page while competing with others.
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105 minBonus Series
Exercise Your Creative
How do you practice creativity? In the Exercise Your Creative series, Mat gives us some insight by taking us through his creative process.
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