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This is a sample catalog of all the courses we offer. Browse by topic or difficulty. Sign up today and get access to our entire library. Treehouse students get access to workshops, bonus content, conferences, and more.
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- All Topics
- • AI
- • JavaScript
- • React
- • No-Code
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- • Game Development
- • Data Analysis
- • Development Tools
- • Databases
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- • Swift
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- • Machine Learning
- • APIs
- • Professional Skills
- • Computer Science
- • Ruby
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- • Coding for Kids
Databases are a powerful tool for storing and retrieving information. They're used in nearly all businesses, websites, and applications. Understanding how databases work, how they are organized and how to communicate with them to store and retrieve data is a critical skill for developers, data analysts and anyone in business.
29 minWorkshop
Build & Launch an App in 30 Minutes with Cursor
Bring your dream project to life with Cursor, an AI-powered code editor, without writing a single line of code. Join Dustin as he builds a fully functional note-taking app—from idea to launch—using Cursor. Watch as he leverages AI to streamline development, proving how easy and fast it can be to turn an idea into reality with the right tools.
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14 hoursConference
Treehouse Festival June 2021
Treehouse Festival is an online conference designed for Treehouse students and all aspiring developers and designers. The presentations will empower those that attend with skills and a network to transition to a tech career or level-up in their current roles. Sessions include “Designing with a Developer Mindset,” “Computer Science, Emulation, and the NES,” “Interview with a Treehouse Grad”, and more!
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Creating and Modifying Database Tables
Learn how to create and modify your own database tables as we work through a real-life example! We'll talk about how to choose the right structure for a database and then see how we can implement that structure.
7 minWorkshop
SQLite from the Command Line
Learn how to create and manage databases right from the command line on your own computer!
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18 minWorkshop
Common Table Expressions Using WITH
Common Tables Expressions, or CTEs, use the WITH keyword to make more readable, modular and easy to understand SQL queries.
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SQL Reporting by Example
In this course you'll get lots of practice writing SQL queries in a realistic environment!
6 minPractice
Practice Simple WHERE Clauses with SQL
In this workshop we'll practice simple WHERE clauses.
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4 minPractice
Practice Column Selection and Aliasing with SQL
In this practice session we'll cover selecting columns and aliasing them.
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27 minWorkshop
SQL Window Functions
Window functions are a powerful SQL feature that let you compare results against other results within a query. With them, you can you can compare one row to other rows in a query to calculate each row as a percent of the total, for example, or to add a moving average to a report.
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Querying Relational Databases
Building off of previous SQL courses, this course will begin to introduce the student to more complex database concepts. Students will learn to think about data as sets and subsets and practice achieving desired query results via such operations as inner and outer joins, unions and except. They will also be introduced to the concepts of Set Theory and Database Normalization to aid in understanding good query practices.
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Reporting with SQL
SQL can be used to generate reports and present information on websites. This course covers powerful SQL features in helping you answer more interesting questions about your data.
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Modifying Data with SQL
At the heart of a dynamic application is a database. Whether the application is an eCommerce, sports team, social network, or productivity app on your phone, the data needs to change over time. In this course, we'll take a look at the underpinning SQL statements that are needed for every dynamic application.
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SQL Basics
In SQL Basics, we’ll take a look at what databases are and how you can retrieve information from them. Databases can store massive amounts of information to be retrieved at a later date. Databases act as the memory for dynamic web sites or mobile apps.
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