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Java is a robust, well-established language with a rich eco-system of tools for solving just about any problem. Because of its maturity and popularity, learning Java is a great way to land a software development job in just about any market.
4 minPractice
Practice Java Arrays
Get a better understanding of Arrays in Java by completing this practice session!
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5 minPractice
Practice Java Objects
In this Practice Session we'll create an Object to represent a cow.
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Java Arrays
Arrays are a container object that allow you store many values of the same type in a single variable
9 minBonus Series
Got some time during your lunch break? Want to get something to takeaway?
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4 minPractice
Practice Input and Output in Java
In this Practice Session we will work with I/O in Java.
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5 hoursBonus Series
The Treehouse Show
The Treehouse Show is our weekly conversation with the Treehouse Community.
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Java Objects
Java is an Object Oriented Programming language. Literally everything you interact with is an object, so understanding them is critical to your Java foundational base. In this course, we will learn how to create, use and express ideas using objects.
58 minWorkshop
Observer Design Pattern using Java
In this workshop we will take a look at the popular software design pattern Observer.
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Hibernate Basics
Most meaningful applications you will write will have a database associated with it. Knowing how to connect with and incorporate this data is critical to success as a Java developer. In this course, we'll cover how to connect a Java application to a database using what's called JDBC, or Java Database Connectivity. Then, we'll use the convenient approach of including an ORM, or Object Relational Mapper. This will allow us to interact with our data using object-oriented techniques instead of exclusively relying on hard-coded SQL. The ORM we will use is called Hibernate, and is one of the most popular ORMs available.
115 minWorkshop
Build a REST API in Spark
Together we'll explore how to build a REST API in the wonderful Spark micro-framework.
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Intro to Java Web Development with Spark
Spark is a Micro-framework that allows you to spin up a web server fairly easily.
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Unit Testing in Java
Unit testing is a Java best practice that ensures your code is working how it was intended. It is a critical habit that you should develop early on in your coding adventures.
30 minWorkshop
Dependency Management with Gradle
This workshop will walk through what dependencies are, why you want them, how to use them, and finally how to manage them.
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Java Annotations
Annotations have rapidly become the preferred approach to integrating powerful third-party libraries into your own Java applications. In this course, we'll first explore the basic use of annotations to give the compiler instructions. Then, we'll use more advanced techniques to create our own annotation and look for it using reflection.
38 minWorkshop
Feeling Loopy with Java
Let's take a deeper dive together in this live workshop about the different types of loops in Java.
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16 minWorkshop
Java Lambdas
Lambdas are anonymous functions. They were added to the language in Java 8, and can be used any place a Single Abstract Method was used before.
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Local Development Environments
This course will introduce you how to set up your development environment on your local machine. We will take a deeper look at the Java technology and learn tips, tricks and best practices that will make you more productive.
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Java Basics
In this course you will gain all the knowledge you will need to build an interactive command line program in Java. No prior programming experience is required. You will create an interactive game that prompts users for different parts of a sentence and then generates a story using those words.
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