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Quality Assurance
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- • AI
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- • No-Code
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- • Data Analysis
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- • Digital Literacy
- • Swift
- • Java
- • Machine Learning
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- • Computer Science
- • Ruby
- • Quality Assurance
- • PHP
- • Go Language
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- • Coding for Kids
Quality Assurance
Software is never perfect. Quality assurance testing is performed to uncover errors and verify that things are working properly before making software available to end users. Quality assurance, or QA for short, is an important role in organizations and an important part of developing software.
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Introduction to QA Engineering
Learn how to become an effective test engineer. Testing is something every developer must do to write effective and quality code, but going about what you should test and how to do it can be a challenging question. Quality Assurance is the practice of monitoring other developers' work and creating processes and tests that will ensure the product meets the end user’s expectations and limiting the amount of bugs that are released. This course will teach you how to become a Software Quality Assurance Engineer.
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Intermediate Selenium WebDriver
Manually testing your website can only take you so far. Learn how to use Selenium WebDriver to automate the process for you, and alert you to problems before your users see them.
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Introduction to Selenium
As web applications grow in size it becomes difficult to reliably and thoroughly verify that the application behaves as intended. Manually stepping through the system gets tedious and time consuming. That's where automated testing tools become invaluable. In this course we will learn to use Selenium WebDriver, one of the most popular utilities for automating interactions with web browsers, to build automated tests for the purpose of verifying and maintaining a quality application.
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