Ben Deitch
Treehouse Teacher
Member Since April 25, 2015
Topics & Specialties
Courses & Workshops I've Taught
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Java Maps
In this course we'll learn how to store key-value pairs by using a Map!
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Java Lists
In this course you'll learn how to use Lists to store groups of Objects. You'll also see when to use a List instead of an Array!
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Generics in Java
Learn how to pass type parameters to Objects or functions in this course on generics!
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Interfaces in Java
Learn how to make more robust and flexible code bases by using interfaces!
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Inheritance in Java
In this course we'll learn how to use inheritance to use one class as the foundation for another!
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Introducing IntelliJ and Unpacking Packages
Professional developers don't typically develop in the command line, they use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like IntelliJ IDEA. In this course, we'll see how to get started with IntelliJ IDEA and learn how to use packages.
30 minPractice
Practice Using Room
The Room persistence library makes working with databases much easier. In this practice session will build a simple note-taking app and use a Room database to store the notes!
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Data Persistence with Room
Storing data is important in any Android app. In this course we'll use the Room library to store data in a SQLite database!
4 minPractice
Practice Java Arrays
Get a better understanding of Arrays in Java by completing this practice session!
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5 minPractice
Practice Java Objects
In this Practice Session we'll create an Object to represent a cow.
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Creating and Modifying Database Tables
Learn how to create and modify your own database tables as we work through a real-life example! We'll talk about how to choose the right structure for a database and then see how we can implement that structure.
7 minWorkshop
SQLite from the Command Line
Learn how to create and manage databases right from the command line on your own computer!
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Data Analysis Basics
Learn how to make better decisions with data in this course on data analysis. We'll start by looking at what data analysis is, and then we'll see how we can use data analysis to create better outcomes.
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Build a Simple Android App with Kotlin
This course covers the very basics of Android development. We will build a simple app that will serve up some fun facts when you tap on a button. We introduce you to programming in Android, a tool for Android development called Android Studio, and some very basic concepts of the Android Software Development Kit, or SDK. By the end you will have a good idea of how a basic app works, and you will be armed with the knowledge to start building more.
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Build a Simple Android App with Java
This course covers the very basics of Android development. We will build a simple app that will serve up some fun facts when you tap on a button. We introduce you to programming in Android, a tool for Android development called Android Studio, and some very basic concepts of the Android Software Development Kit, or SDK. By the end you will have a good idea of how a basic app works, and you will be armed with the knowledge to start building more.
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SQL Reporting by Example
In this course you'll get lots of practice writing SQL queries in a realistic environment!
5 minPractice
Practice with Views in Android
In this workshop you're tasked with creating a counter app!
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19 minWorkshop
Create an Options Menu
An Options Menu is a great way to let your users take actions on what they see on the screen. In this workshop, we'll be taking a pre-existing app and adding an Options Menu!
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13 minWorkshop
Loading with Loaders
Loading data in Android can be complicated, but Loaders aim to fix that!
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40 minWorkshop
Custom Views in Android
In this workshop we'll learn about custom Views in Android by creating a stock chart app!
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32 minWorkshop
Content Providers
Learn about how to use a Content Provider to serve up data for your app!
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8 minWorkshop
Deep Links
Learn about how to link from a web page directly to a specific part of your app in this workshop on deep links!
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12 minWorkshop
Android Permissions
This course covers the new Marshmallow permission system!
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39 minWorkshop
Android Widgets
Widgets let you easily share information with your users without requiring them to open your app. In this workshop we'll see how to create and manipulate widgets by creating one ourselves!
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16 minWorkshop
Localization in Android
Learn how to localize an app for more than one language in this super exciting workshop!
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Kotlin and Anko
Anko is a new library from JetBrains which makes use of a ton of Kotlin features to make Android development fun again. If you think you’ll enjoy being able to create and manipulate your Views from within your code, without needing XML, then I think you'll love Anko!
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Kotlin for Java Developers
Kotlin was recently announced as a new official Android language! It runs on the JVM and can be used to develop Android apps. You can even interweave Kotlin and Java in the same app, and it brings new features for better safety, readability, and tooling!
Start your free trial today (https://teamtreehouse.com/subscribe/plans?trial=yes&cid=8792) to get access to all of the great Android content on Treehouse! -
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Testing in Android
Learn how to use common testing tools available for Android development.
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Android Fragments
In this course we'll learn how we can reuse parts of an Activity called Fragments to cut down on repetitive code and better support our tablet users.
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Threads and Services
Learn about Services in Android, which can perform long-running operations in the background like downloading a large file or playing music. We'll explore both of these in a simple music player app!
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Android Activity Lifecycle
Activities are a crucial component of almost any Android app. In this course we will learn about the lifecycle of our activities, and how we can handle various unexpected changes. We'll also see how to correctly handle a device rotation as well as how to save data using SharedPreferences. To top it all off, at the end of this course you'll get a chance to test your Android knowledge with a project.
18 minWorkshop
GitHub and Android Studio
Android Studio can make working with GitHub much simpler. In this workshop we'll go over sending our own project to GitHub, pulling a project from GitHub, and making contributions to an existing project.
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12 minWorkshop
Getting Started with the Android Emulator
The Android emulator is an essential tool in any Android developer's tool belt. In this workshop, we'll go over how to create and manage virtual devices as well as how to use Android Studio's tools to thoroughly test an app in the emulator.