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General Discussion

completed the how to make a website course on web design track not sure whether to continue or jump to front-end web dev

completed the how to make a website course on web design track now i'm not sure whether to continue or jump to front-end web development track because i really want to learn java script but i also want to learn the design courses.what do you guys think is the best approach finish with web design or jump to front end development and then go back and do the design courses?

2 Answers


In what you said, the only thing you said you really wanted to learn was JavaScript. So--go for it! http://teamtreehouse.com/library/javascript-foundations

i really do but isn't good design important to?

Web development/design is a neverending learning experience. If there's on thing I've learned, it's that it's more important to pick a direction and go than to try and identify the "best" path.


I'm no expert but here's what I think. You are going to learn good design practices along the way on the front end development path and you will get into the javascript. Then I would go back to design, and you should be able to apply your practical knowledge to your design ideas. I agree with James this is a never ending learning experience, but when you're fresh starting out you want to know EVERYTHING! I don't think this is a linear process but more of a web of interconnecting skills on your tool belt. Head down the front end path, learn HTML CSS and java and see where that leads you.