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Gabor Galantai
Gabor Galantai
Courses Plus Student 17,247 Points

Peewee install error: unable to find vcvarsall.bat

I ran into this error "Unable to find vcvarsall.bat" while trying to install peewee (pip install peewee) on Windows 8. I saw the other topic where there was a solution offered, but that didn't solve it for me. Please help. Kenneth Love, Jeremy McLain or someone.

2 Answers

Hey Gabor!

I had the same problem. I followed the instructions in this blogpost. It gives you a great overview of what that file is and why you need it. I'll give you a rundown of the steps I took, but, if you have the time, you should defintiely check out the post :).

First, you need to make sure that setuptools is up to date. I also installed the cython package, even though it is optional.

To update setup tools:

  1. Open up the Windows PowerShell (WinKey+R and then type powershell in the prompt)
  2. paste the following command
(Invoke-WebRequest https://bootstrap.pypa.io/ez_setup.py).Content | python -
  1. Exit the PowerShell (type exit and hit Enter)

Then you need to install either Visual Studio 2015 or Visual C++ Build Tools 2015. I installed Visual Studio 2015. If you have any versions of this tool already installed, remove them and install this version.

Remember to check the Visual C++ Tools during the instalation

After the setup is complete, you should be ready to get peewee from pip.

pip install peewee

As I mentioned, you can get Cython too!

pip install cython

You can also use git (I choose to do it this way, but it should work with pip).

git clone https://github.com/coleifer/peewee.git
cd peewee
python setup.py install

You call always refer back to the blogpost I mentioned earlier or the peewee docs install guide.

I hope I've helped you with this. I apologize for any spelling mistakes :)


Gabor Galantai
Gabor Galantai
Courses Plus Student 17,247 Points

Thank you so much for this info. I did what you wrote, and it solved the problem. Peewee works now. Thanks!

7,643 Points

Solution works as charm. Thank you very much!