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Contacts are going to have both phone numbers and addresses. In this video, we're going to define the `to_s` method on the address class and have it be able to take a formatting argument.
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class Address
attr_accessor :kind, :street_1, :street_2, :city, :state, :postal_code
def to_s(format = 'short')
address = ''
case format
when 'long'
address += street_1 + "\n"
address += street_2 + "\n" if !street_2.nil?
address += "#{city}, #{state} #{postal_code}"
when 'short'
address += "#{kind}: "
address += street_1
if street_2
address += " " + street_2
address += ", #{city}, #{state}, #{postal_code}"
home = Address.new
home.kind = "Home"
home.street_1 = "123 Main St."
home.city = "Portland"
home.state = "OR"
home.postal_code = "12345"
puts home.to_s('short')
puts "\n"
puts home.to_s('long')
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