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Before we finalize our application, we'll look at some additional options for specifying required variables, giving developers a template to start with, and overriding environment variables.
Specifying Required Environment Variables
Using Dotenv, you can require specific ENV vars to be defined ($_ENV, $_SERVER or getenv()) - throws an exception otherwise. Note: It does not check for existence of a variable in a '.env' file. This is particularly useful to let people know any explicit required variables that your app will not work without.
You can use a single string, or an array of strings:
If any ENV vars are missing, Dotenv will throw a RuntimeException like this:
One or more environment variables failed assertions: SITE_KEY is missing
Read more from the phpdotenv documentation
Example Files
Only difference for yahoo is SMTP_HOST="smtp.mail.yahoo.com"
#REPOSITORY must be a json string with "type" and "source" REPOSITORY={ "type":"txt", "source":"inc/quotes.txt" } #Manage your reCAPTCHA API keys: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin SITE_KEY=google_recaptcha_site_key SECRET_KEY=google_recaptcha_secret_key #Google SMTP SMTP_DEBUG=2 SMTP_HOST="smtp.gmail.com" SMTP_PORT=587 SMTP_SECURE="tls" SMTP_AUTH=true SMTP_USERNAME=most_likely_your_email SMTP_PASSWORD=app_password SMTP_FROM=most_likely_your_email MAILTO_EMAIL=most_likely_your_email MAILTO_NAME=any_name
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