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- • AI
- • JavaScript
- • React
- • No Code
- • Python
- • Design
- • HTML
- • CSS
- • Game Development
- • Data Analysis
- • Development Tools
- • Databases
- • Security
- • Digital Literacy
- • Swift
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- • Machine Learning
- • APIs
- • Professional Skills
- • Computer Science
- • Ruby
- • Quality Assurance
- • PHP
- • Go Language
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- • College Credit
- • Coding for Kids
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Introduction to Ruby on Rails 7
Ruby on Rails is a powerful web framework that makes creating dynamic web applications more efficient and enjoyable. This course will take you from installing Rails to building a Linktree-style application, touching on key concepts like MVC, routing, user authentication, and deployment. Whether you’re entirely new to Rails or have a bit of experience, these lessons will get you up and running quickly.
7 minPractice
Practice ExpressJS: Middleware
Practice middleware in ExpressJS by replicating user authentication and controlling access to protected routes.
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React Authentication
In this course, you will learn how to implement the Basic Authentication scheme in a React application using an Express REST API.
11 minPractice
Practice Hooks in React
Practice React's built-in useContext and useState Hooks to update an app with user authentication.
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30 minWorkshop
REST API Authentication with Express
This workshop will explore Basic Authentication and how to use it to implement user authentication within an Express REST API application.
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A Social Network with Flask
It's time to dig in and build something big. In this course, we're going to take the tools we've learned, Flask, Peewee, and Python itself, and build a small social network. We'll have user registration, user authentication, strongly hashed passwords, form validation, and more.
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Using Cookies and JWTs for Secure Authentication
Refactor an existing authentication project by using cookies and JSON Web Token to increase security. Cookies are a way for a browser to store information while tokens are a stand-in or representation for something else.
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Introduction to User Authentication in PHP
Do you want users to be able to interact with your site? Do you want users who are active participants in the content you provide? That interaction could be purchasing products or adding products to sell, leaving comments or providing blog posts. No matter which type of interaction your site provides to users, you'll need a way to authenticate those users. In this course we'll lay the foundation for keep your data safe and secure while building a platform for active participation.
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PHP User Authentication
Learn how to implement a custom user authentication system that controls users access to web resources, using password hashing and JSON Web Tokens for security. The system lets users sign up, log in, and log out, limiting access to certain actions based on authorization.
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Using the GitHub API with PHP
Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, provide a method for connecting your site to a “third-party” web service. We'll use the GitHub API to explore how RESTful APIs allow us to retrieve and update information residing on an external system.
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User Authentication With Express and Mongo
Learn how to implement a custom user authentication system that controls users access to web resources using Node.js using Express and MongoDB. The system lets users sign up, log in, and log out, limiting access to password-protected resources. Express is a popular web framework for creating MVC applications and RESTful APIs in Node.js. Express lets developers define routes and middleware for submitting and retrieving data in our database. We will leverage the document based NoSQL database, MongoDB, to store our user data by creating a user model with mongoose. Mongoose is an open source Node package for defining data models for an application and connecting to MongoDB.
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Building an API with Flask can be pretty simple but you'll often end up with a large amount of code in just one or two files. In other words, it can be messy! But with a few simple tools like Flask-RESTFul, Flask-Limiter, and Flask-HTTPAuth, you can build a clean, well-organized, and strong API with this great, lightweight Python framework.
2 hoursBonus Series
Code Racer
Learn how we built Code Racer, which is a real-time multiplayer game where people learn how to create a basic HTML web page while competing with others.
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6 hoursBonus Series
Design and Development
Learn how a designer and developer can effectively collaborate to build a web app.
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