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Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.
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Rails 8 Course - Beginner to Intermediate
Jump right into the next generation of web development with this comprehensive Ruby on Rails 8 course. From setting up and configuring your Rails environment on both Windows and macOS to exploring new Rails 8 features, you’ll build a fully functional application step by step. Along the way, you’ll master CRUD operations, integrate Action Text for rich content, add realtime comments, enable user authentication (including sign up, sign in, and sign out), and implement a like feature to enhance user engagement. You’ll also learn how to switch from SQLite3 to PostgreSQL for more robust database solutions and how to deploy your Rails 8 project to DigitalOcean using Kamal and Docker. By the end of this course, you’ll have the confidence and skills to create, scale, and deploy modern Rails 8 applications for real-world use.
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Introduction to Ruby on Rails 7
Ruby on Rails is a powerful web framework that makes creating dynamic web applications more efficient and enjoyable. This course will take you from installing Rails to building a Linktree-style application, touching on key concepts like MVC, routing, user authentication, and deployment. Whether you’re entirely new to Rails or have a bit of experience, these lessons will get you up and running quickly.
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Ruby Basics
Ruby is a programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write. In Ruby Basics, we'll learn how to work with Ruby and write simple Ruby programs.
6 minPractice
Practice Ruby Numeric Types
Let's practice some basic Ruby to make sure that everything you've learned so far sticks. We'll review numeric types such as Fixnum and Float, as well as math operations.
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4 minPractice
Practice Ruby Methods
Let's practice some basic Ruby to make sure that everything you've learned so far sticks. We'll review how to define and call Ruby methods.
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3 minPractice
Practice Strings in Ruby
Let's practice some basic Ruby to make sure that everything you've learned so far sticks. We'll review single and double-quoted strings, as well as escape sequences.
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7 minPractice
Practice Input and Output in Ruby
Let's practice some basic Ruby to make sure that everything you've learned so far sticks. We'll review variables, as well as simple input and output.
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5 hoursBonus Series
The Treehouse Show
The Treehouse Show is our weekly conversation with the Treehouse Community.
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9 minWorkshop
Ruby Enumerable
In this Workshop, we'll learn all about the Ruby Enumerable module and see different examples of how it works.
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Ruby Modules
Modules are an extremely powerful utility when coding in Ruby. Modules allow you to add behavior to classes, hold constants, add namespaces, and more.
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Build an Address Book in Ruby
In this course, you'll build a simple command line address book application using Ruby. You'll put to use a lot of skills learned in previous courses to put everything together: objects, classes, blocks, input and output, and more.
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Ruby Blocks
In this course, you’ll learn all about blocks in Ruby. Blocks are a piece of syntax that you can use in Ruby to accomplish all kinds of amazing programming feats. Ruby programmers make constant use of blocks so they are an important piece of the language to learn.
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Ruby Objects and Classes
Ruby is known as an "Object Oriented" programming language. But what does object oriented mean? In this course, we'll cover the basics of Ruby Classes. We'll learn what classes are, how they are used, and how to write our own.
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Ruby Loops
In Ruby Loops, you'll learn how to automatically repeat statements using Ruby. You'll learn about the loop construct, including while loops, until loops, for loops, and more. You'll also learn the basics of iteration and then move on to creating a simple contact list management program.
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Ruby Collections
In the Ruby Collections course at Treehouse, you'll level up your Ruby knowledge and start learning about collections. We use two basic data structures to create collections in Ruby: arrays and hashes. These are both examples of "collections" and you’ll work with them a lot in your career as a Ruby programmer. During the course, we'll be writing simple programs that build on what we learned in this course and in previous courses.
6 hoursBonus Series
Design and Development
Learn how a designer and developer can effectively collaborate to build a web app.
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3 hoursBonus Series
Treehouse Quick Tips
Treehouse Quick Tips are fast and easy lessons that you can start applying now. Learn to create stunning designs in Photoshop, beautiful websites, and useful mobile apps for Android and iOS.
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