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Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.
6 minPractice
Practice Ruby Numeric Types
Let's practice some basic Ruby to make sure that everything you've learned so far sticks. We'll review numeric types such as Fixnum and Float, as well as math operations.
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4 minPractice
Practice Ruby Methods
Let's practice some basic Ruby to make sure that everything you've learned so far sticks. We'll review how to define and call Ruby methods.
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3 minPractice
Practice Strings in Ruby
Let's practice some basic Ruby to make sure that everything you've learned so far sticks. We'll review single and double-quoted strings, as well as escape sequences.
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7 minPractice
Practice Input and Output in Ruby
Let's practice some basic Ruby to make sure that everything you've learned so far sticks. We'll review variables, as well as simple input and output.
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9 minWorkshop
Ruby Enumerable
In this Workshop, we'll learn all about the Ruby Enumerable module and see different examples of how it works.
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