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iOS Swift Functions and Optionals Parameters and Tuples Tuples

Ling Cheng
Ling Cheng
3,168 Points

I think I had modified it to return both the greeting and the language as a tuple? What I'm missing?

I think I had modified it to return both the greeting and the language as a tuple? What I'm missing?

func greeting(person: String) -> String {
    let language = "English"
    let greeting = "Hello \(person)"

    return ("\(greeting) \(language)")

2 Answers

This one is probably a better explanation.

Let me know how you get on.


Hi there,

That's not quite right - you are returning a single string that contains the same information, though!

FIrst, we need to look at the method's first line - amend that return to a tuple. I think the question needs you to name them too ... I'll check now. Here is a previous answer I did for this question ... that should help you out.
