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- • AI
- • JavaScript
- • React
- • No-Code
- • Python
- • Design
- • HTML
- • CSS
- • Game Development
- • Data Analysis
- • Development Tools
- • Databases
- • Security
- • Digital Literacy
- • Swift
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- • Machine Learning
- • APIs
- • Professional Skills
- • Computer Science
- • Ruby
- • Quality Assurance
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- • Coding for Kids
13 minWorkshop
Plan and Design Effective No-Code Apps
Master writing effective Product Requirements Documents (PRDs) in this hands-on workshop designed to boost your project planning skills. Learn how to leverage best practices and customizable templates to keep your AI coding tools, such as Cursor, Lovable, and Replit, on track. Ideal for anyone interested in product development or project planning, this session will equip you with the skills to streamline your planning process, ensuring that your AI projects are well-defined and aligned from the start.
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7 minWorkshop
AI-Powered VS Code Extensions
Discover how AI-powered Visual Studio Code extensions like GitHub Copilot, IntelliCode and Tabnine revolutionize coding practices! We'll explore how they can tremendously boost productivity by predicting code, suggesting relevant edits, and automating repetitive tasks.
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7 minPractice
Practice ExpressJS: Middleware
Practice middleware in ExpressJS by replicating user authentication and controlling access to protected routes.
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3 minPractice
Practice Web Accessibility: Checkboxes
Practice web accessibility by adding focus states to checkbox inputs with JavaScript.
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4 minPractice
Practice DOM Manipulation: Modal
Practice DOM Manipulation with JavaScript by creating a modal.
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7 minPractice
Practice Filtering Paginated Data
Practice implementing user-friendly data filtering and displaying the paginated results using JavaScript event listeners.
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4 minPractice
Practice DOM Manipulation: Checkboxes
Practice DOM Manipulation with JavaScript by conditionally disabling checkboxes.
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11 minPractice
Practice React Component Rendering
Sharpen your React skills by practicing JSX, creating and rendering components, passing down props, as well as iterating over data, and more.
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10 minPractice
Practice Data Pagination
Practice data pagination with JavaScript to enhance user experience and optimize web performance by efficiently managing and displaying large datasets.
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5 minPractice
Practice Fetch API
Practice Fetch API using the REST Countries API.
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8 minPractice
Practice Dynamic Select Menus
Practice creating intuitive and error-proof web forms using JavaScript to automatically update select menu options as users make choices.
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4 minPractice
Practice JavaScript Basics: Conditional Strings
Practice conditional strings with JavaScript.
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6 minPractice
Practice DOM Manipulation: Form Validation
Practice DOM Manipulation with JavaScript.
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34 minWorkshop
Create AR Effects for TikTok with Effect House
Join our exciting workshop and take a sneak peek into the world of augmented reality! In this hands-on session, you'll learn to create a basic TikTok filter using Effect House. With EffectHouse’s Visual Scripting, a purely graphical way to create logic, no prior coding experience is needed. We’ll guide you through how to track facial movements like the forehead, eyes, and mouth, as well as add simple tap interactions to create a captivating interactive filter. Don't miss out on this opportunity to dip your toes into the world of AR with this popular platform. 🎭📸 #ARWorkshop #TikTokFilter #InteractiveMagic
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11 minWorkshop
Python Libraries for AI
The workshop introduces Python libraries for Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Computer Vision. It aims to showcase the versatility and power of Python in these fields and how libraries have transformed industries and opened up new possibilities. The course concludes by encouraging learners to embrace the opportunities in AI, experiment with different Python libraries, and push the boundaries of what's possible. It emphasizes the importance of practice, exploration, and a willingness to learn in mastering these fields. The workshop aims to provide an overview and starting point for individuals interested in exploring Machine Learning, NLP, and Computer Vision using Python libraries.
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35 minWorkshop
Auto User Search with JavaScript - Treehouse Live
Need practice working with the Document Object Model (DOM)? This project showcases some of the core concepts needed to interact with and manipulate the DOM. Follow along as Dustin builds a searchable input field that filters users based on your search query!
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Treehouse Features: Code Challenges
Laura provides a brief overview of Code Challenges. Code Challenges are coding exercises that allow you to put a recently introduced concept into practice and get feedback about the results. For most people, regular practice is an essential part of learning to code, and Code Challenges allow you to do this right away.
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5 minWorkshop
JavaScript Array Methods: filter()
Have you ever needed to filter array elements by certain criteria? For example, to get numbers within a range, or strings that contain certain characters? Luckily, there is an easy way to do this in JavaScript by using the filter() method. Follow along as Dustin dives into how to use this method and what it can do. Then, he offers a challenge (and a solution) so you can get some practice using it right away.
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15 minPractice
Practice State in React
Practice initializing and managing state in React by building a star rating component.
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11 minPractice
Practice Setting Up a Python Project
Practice setting up a Python project locally and on GitHub.
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9 minPractice
Practice Error Handling
Practice your error handling skills using try/except blocks.
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13 minPractice
Practice Cleaning Data
Practice accessing data and cleaning it for use in other functions or programs.
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7 minPractice
Practice Emulating Built-ins
Practice emulating Python's built-in methods dunder str, dunder eq, and dunder iter.
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8 minPractice
Practice OOP Vocabulary
Test your knowledge of OOP vocabulary with this practice session.
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17 minWorkshop
Dunder Main
In this workshop, we’ll talk about using a recommended Python best practice, dunder main to control the execution of our code.
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24 minPractice
Practice Data Visualization
Students will practice converting raw data into an informative visualization.
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6 minPractice
Practice the CSS Box Model
In this practice session, we’ll be working with the CSS Box Model.
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10 minPractice
Practice Enhancing Design with CSS
In this practice session, we’ll be practicing enhancing a web layout with CSS.
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8 minPractice
Practice CSS Media Queries
In this practice session, we’ll be working with CSS Media Queries.
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8 minPractice
Practice CSS Length Units
In this practice session, we’ll be working with CSS Length Units.
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19 minWorkshop
String Manipulation with JavaScript
Learn and practice string manipulation methods that will allow you more control over data in your JavaScript programs.
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11 minPractice
Practice Hooks in React
Practice React's built-in useContext and useState Hooks to update an app with user authentication.
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16 minWorkshop
Structuring Your JavaScript Code
Improve the quality of your code by applying the principles of narrative flow, iterative coding, KISS, DRY, and JavaScript Best Practices.
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11 minPractice
Practice Creating UX Content
Practice creating UX content. You'll be given two companies with differing brand personalities, and you'll create UX content for their product pages.
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37 minPractice
Practice Using A Design System
For this practice session, we’ll be using Adobe XD to wireframe a homepage for votingrights.gov, an imaginary website for the United States federal government that informs citizens about their right to vote. We’ll start with a problem, a set of research, and some design explorations in the form of rough sketches. We’ll then use the United States Web Design System to ensure the look and behavior of our design are consistent with other federal government sites.
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9 minPractice
Practice Error Handling in Express
In this practice session, you'll get to sharpen your error handling skills in Express. Handling errors well helps users understand what's going on with your app when something goes wrong.
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7 minPractice
Practice Sketching
For this practice session, you’ll be creating eight rough sketches for the primary screen of a sketching application. This app gives users the ability to make quick, shareable, black-and-white sketches using their fingers on a touchscreen.
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11 minPractice
Practice Wireframing
For this practice session, you’ll be creating a digital wireframe in Adobe XD for the primary screen of a sketching application. This app gives users the ability to make quick, shareable, black-and-white sketches using their fingers on a touchscreen.
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15 minPractice
Practice JavaScript Loops
Build up your JavaScript skills by practicing the basics of loops.
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5 minPractice
Practice Creating a Sitemap
Practice creating a sitemap for an elementary school called Northeast Elementary. Use research and a persona to determine what features and pages the school will need on its website then organize and diagram them into a sitemap.
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18 minWorkshop
Designing for User Roles
Delve into the nuances of building a product for multiple audiences. Learn how user roles are defined and used. Recognize the importance of providing various permission levels, learn best practices, and analyze how B2B (business-to-business) products serve many types of users.
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11 minWorkshop
Introducing Google Slides
Walkthrough Google Slides to understand the tools available to create presentations.
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7 minPractice
Practice Prototyping
Practice prototyping by connecting mockups in Adobe XD. Practice creating tap, time, and drag interactions.
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9 minPractice
Practice Serving Static Files in Express
Practice the basics of serving static files in Express, a popular web application framework.
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37 minWorkshop
Creating Mockups
Learn how mockups are used in the design process, and discover techniques for bringing them into your workflow. Practice transforming a set of wireframes into realistic depictions of the app by applying visual design styling and using Apple’s UI Kit for Adobe XD.
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6 minPractice
Before and After: Typography
Improve the typography on an existing design.
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5 minPractice
Before and After: Layout
Improve the layout of an existing mobile iOS app.
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7 minPractice
Before and After: Color
Practice designing with color.
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2 minPractice
Practice Storyboarding
Storyboarding is a great way to visualize a persona’s interaction with your product. Building a storyboard helps to keep your design and solutions human-centered by using a story to empathize with your users. In this workshop, you'll practice this important skill by creating your own storyboard.
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10 minPractice
Practice Using Data with Pug Templates
Practice the basics of passing data to Pug views and generating HTML dynamically within an Express application.
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14 minPractice
Practice Importing and Exporting Modules in Node.js
Practice the basics of importing and exporting modules in Node.js.
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8 minPractice
Practice Journey Maps
Journey maps are a helpful tool for UX designers that can articulate pain points that stand between a user and their intended goal. This practice session will help you analyze an experience and identify areas for improvement.
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7 minPractice
Practice Empathy Maps
Empathy maps can help UX designers identify with users and understand their needs.
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5 minPractice
Practice Design Criticism
One of the most important skills to have as a UX Designer is the ability to give and receive feedback on a project. This practice session will help you apply your critiquing abilities.
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2 minPractice
Practice Completing a Profile
Often when you register for a service, you're just asked for your email address and a password. But websites and apps that are heavily driven by your personal information often need a lot more. In this practice session, you'll create a UI that persuades users to enter more information.
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3 minPractice
Practice Creating a Paywall
Websites that are content-driven will often need to balance paid content and free content. One way to do this is to give a free preview in the form of a UI pattern called a paywall.
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4 minPractice
Practice Designing a Product Card
Cards are a common UI pattern used to create reusable elements that can be used in multiple contexts.
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6 minPractice
Practice Semantic HTML
In this workshop, you'll practice the basics of semantic HTML. When you write markup that clearly communicates the meaning of your content, it is said that you're writing semantic markup.
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10 minPractice
Practice Structuring and Grouping Content
Practice the fundamentals of structuring and grouping content with markup.
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11 minPractice
Practice File Paths
Sharpen your HTML skills by practicing writing file paths for images and links.
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8 minPractice
Practice Input and Output in Python
You've got the ability to get information from the user, input, and show them some results: output. Let's put your skills to work!
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23 minPractice
Practice Properties in C#
In this practice session, you'll practice creating and using properties in C#.
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19 minPractice
Practice Loops in C#
In this practice session, you'll practice using for and foreach loops in C#.
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5 minPractice
Practice Vue.js Templating
Practice displaying data in a Vue.js template, as well as adding functionality to templates with Vue directives and methods.
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9 minPractice
Practice Vue.js List Rendering
Practice list rendering, writing methods, computed properties and adding functionality to forms with Vue.js
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31 minPractice
Practice Inheritance in C#
In this practice session, you'll practice using class inheritance in C#.
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3 minPractice
Practice Python While Loops
While you are learning about loops, take a moment to practice using while loops.
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5 minPractice
Practice Creating and Indexing Lists
Let's practice creating lists and printing their contents.
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25 minPractice
Practice Encapsulation and Arrays in C#
In this practice session, you'll practice encapsulation and arrays in C#.
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18 minPractice
Practice Creating Classes in C#
In this practice session, you'll practice creating classes using C#.
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18 minPractice
Practice Methods in C#
In this practice session, you'll practice adding methods to classes in C#.
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6 minPractice
Practice Comparisons in Python
A quick review of data types, making comparisons, and using if and elif statements in Python.
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26 minPractice
Practice Basic Arrays in JavaScript
Practice creating array literals, accessing array items, and using array methods to add and remove array items.
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4 minPractice
Practice Java Arrays
Get a better understanding of Arrays in Java by completing this practice session!
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5 minPractice
Practice Java Objects
In this Practice Session we'll create an Object to represent a cow.
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8 minPractice
Practice Basic jQuery Methods
Practice enhancing small projects using a variety of jQuery methods.
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6 minPractice
Practice Working with jQuery Collections
Practice working with collections in JQuery.
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8 minPractice
Practice Handling Events in jQuery
Practice responding to user actions with jQuery.
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8 minPractice
Practice Let and Const in JavaScript
Practice working with let and const variables in JavaScript.
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8 minPractice
Practice Arrow Functions in JavaScript
Practice arrow function syntax in JavaScript.
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4 minPractice
Practice Hashing Passwords in JavaScript
When storing users' passwords, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you should always hash your passwords. Hashing is a one-way process of securing data with a strong algorithm. As of 2017, the accepted hashing algorithm is bcrypt.
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8 minPractice
Practice Selecting DOM Elements
In this workshop, you will practice selecting DOM elements with JavaScript.
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5 minPractice
Practice Hashing Passwords in PHP
When storing user’s passwords, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you should always hash your passwords. Hashing is a one-way process of securing data with a strong algorithm. As of 2017, the accepted hashing algorithm is bcrypt.
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20 minPractice
Practice Object Literals in JavaScript
Practice creating, using and modifying simple object literals in JavaScript
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5 minPractice
Practice Traversing the DOM
Practice Traversing the DOM in JavaScript.
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5 minPractice
Practice Template Literals
Practice using template literals in JavaScript.
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8 minPractice
Practice Manipulating the DOM
Practice Manipulating the DOM with JavaScript.
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5 minPractice
Practice CSS Grid: Columns, Rows and Gaps
Practice declaring row and column tracks, as well as applying gutters between them.
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6 minPractice
Practice Flexible CSS Grid Layout
Practice using CSS Grid features that adapt your content to available space and intelligently size and position items within the grid container.
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8 minPractice
Practice Grid Template Areas
Let's practice using grid template areas, a feature of CSS Grid that lets you assign named grid areas to items, and use those names to position items on the grid.
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22 minPractice
Practice Writing Loops in Python
Programming with loops can be tricky, and the best way to get comfortable and grow your understanding is by practicing them.
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5 minPractice
Practice Including PHP with HTML
Practice using PHP to include variables, files and dates within an HTML page.
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5 minPractice
Practice PHP if/else Statements
Practice using if, else and elseif statements to control the flow of your application.
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4 minPractice
Practice PHP String Manipulation
Practice creating, manipulating and outputting string variables in PHP.
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5 minPractice
Practice PHP Number Variables
Practice creating, manipulating and outputting numeric variables including integers and floats.
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6 minPractice
Practice Ruby Numeric Types
Let's practice some basic Ruby to make sure that everything you've learned so far sticks. We'll review numeric types such as Fixnum and Float, as well as math operations.
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4 minPractice
Practice Ruby Methods
Let's practice some basic Ruby to make sure that everything you've learned so far sticks. We'll review how to define and call Ruby methods.
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3 minPractice
Practice Strings in Ruby
Let's practice some basic Ruby to make sure that everything you've learned so far sticks. We'll review single and double-quoted strings, as well as escape sequences.
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4 minPractice
Practice Basic Math Calculations in Python
Let's practice doing math and type conversions!
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4 minPractice
Practice Input and Output in Java
In this Practice Session we will work with I/O in Java.
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3 minPractice
Practice Using Strings and Lists in Python
Practice creating basic strings and lists in Python. Use Python's multiplication abilities to save yourself some work!
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8 minPractice
Practice JavaScript Math Methods
Practice using JavaScript's math methods to add, subtract, multiply, divide, as well as to convert strings to numbers.
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7 minPractice
Practice If and Else If Statements in JavaScript
Practice simple conditional statements in JavaScript.
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7 minPractice
Practice Basic JavaScript Functions
Practice creating basic JavaScript functions, adding parameters, calling functions and passing values.
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7 minPractice
Practice Input and Output in Ruby
Let's practice some basic Ruby to make sure that everything you've learned so far sticks. We'll review variables, as well as simple input and output.
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6 minPractice
Practice Simple WHERE Clauses with SQL
In this workshop we'll practice simple WHERE clauses.
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4 minPractice
Practice Column Selection and Aliasing with SQL
In this practice session we'll cover selecting columns and aliasing them.
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10 minWorkshop
Code Coverage with Istanbul
Code coverage is the development practice in seeing how much of your code is covered by tests. We'll use the Node.js module Istanbul in this workshop to illustrate code coverage in Node.js projects.
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7 minPractice
Practice CSS Box Model Basics
Practice working with the core components of the CSS box model.
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6 minPractice
Practice CSS Floats
Practice laying out a web page and wrapping text around elements, with CSS floats.
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6 minPractice
Practice Basic Variables, Input & Output in JavaScript
Practice creating variables, working with input and alert dialog boxes, concatenating strings and using JavaScript string methods.
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5 minPractice
Practice Media Queries
Practice writing CSS media queries by adjusting the layout of a simple web page.
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5 minPractice
Practice CSS Selectors
Practice basic CSS selectors by targeting and styling elements of a web page.
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25 minWorkshop
App Deployment Accounts
When working on the public server where your users will interact with your app, you need to be careful. If you accidentally alter the wrong setting, service, or file, your app could go down. That's why it's considered best practice for your developer account to have limited access, and to create a separate deployment account with full control over the system. You can use the deployment account to set up your app and deploy new versions, and use your development account for day-to-day maintenance tasks, secure in the knowledge that making a mistake won't break everything.
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26 minWorkshop
Using Treehouse Workspaces
Workspaces is an online text editor and development environment that is integrated with Treehouse. In other words, it's the tool that can help you write the code to make websites and web applications. You can use Workspaces to follow along with Treehouse courses, and you can also use it to build projects on your own and practice coding. In these lessons, we'll take a closer look at Workspaces and learn how to use its features step-by-step.
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35 minWorkshop
How to Make a Favicon
Learn how to design and create favicons with Treehouse web design teacher Nick Pettit. From sizing and best practices to implementation and advanced techniques, this Workshop will make you a favicon expert in no time.
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33 minWorkshop
CSS Best Practices
There’s more to writing good CSS than simply knowing all the latest and greatest features and techniques. In this workshop, we'll cover best practices for making our CSS more efficient, maintainable, and scalable.
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Upcoming Releases
The following items are scheduled to be released soon. You can also visit our content roadmap for more info.
Replit AI Agent: How to Automate Coding with AI
Are you ready to supercharge your coding? In this workshop preview, you'll discover how to use the Replit AI Agent to automate coding and build projects with ease. Watch as AI takes the reins, writing code for you and turning your ideas into reality. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned coder, this workshop is your gateway to a smarter, more efficient way to create.
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Windsurf by Codeium: The Future of AI-Powered Code Generation
Are you ready to ride the wave of AI-powered code generation? In this workshop, you'll explore Windsurf, a powerful AI-powered by Codeium. It's a breakthrough tool that automates coding and streamlines your workflow. Discover how AI can generate code for you, making the development process faster and more efficient. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just curious about the future of programming, this preview offers an exciting glimpse into the next era of software creation.
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How to Build a Task Tracker in Replit: Step-by-Step Guide
In this workshop, participants will learn how to create a fully functional task tracker using Replit, a powerful online coding platform. With the assistance of Replit Agent, an AI-powered tool, you'll discover how to design, develop, and deploy your task tracker efficiently. This hands-on session is perfect for developers and builders of all skill levels—no previous coding experience is required—and is ideal for anyone looking to enhance their app building skills.
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Building an App with Lovable.dev:Step-by-Step Guide
In this workshop, participants will learn how to harness the power of Lovable.dev, an AI-driven platform that simplifies the process of building web applications. With Lovable.dev, students will discover how to transform ideas into fully functional apps using natural language prompts, leveraging features like text-to-web app generation, Supabase integration, and seamless deployment. This hands-on session is designed for developers, entrepreneurs, and anyone interested in rapid prototyping and app development.
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Building an App with Bolt.new: Step-by-Step Guide
In this dynamic workshop, explore Bolt.new—the AI-powered platform that transforms how you create web and mobile apps. Discover how to turn your ideas into fully functional applications simply by using natural language prompts, bypassing the complexities of traditional setups and manual dependency management. This hands-on session is perfect for developers, entrepreneurs, and anyone eager to dive into rapid prototyping and innovative app development.
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Build a No-Code Web App with Softr
Learn Softr, a powerful no-code platform that makes it easy to build custom web apps, client portals, and internal tools. This workshop is perfect for anyone looking to create a professional online presence quickly. By the end, you'll understand how to bring your ideas to life and confidently create your own web apps with Softr.
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Create a REST API with Xano
Learn to build a digital marketplace REST API using Xano, a NoCode tool that lets you create APIs without writing any code.
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3 minWorkshop
Hello Swift & SwiftUI
Learn the basics of Swift and SwiftUI, Apple’s programming language, by building your first iOS app! This beginner-friendly course covers Swift programming, Xcode setup, and UI design with SwiftUI. You'll apply your skills by creating a Dice Roller app, using state to update the UI dynamically. No prior coding experience needed—just dive in and start building!
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Practice Wireframing in Figma
For this practice session, you'll be creating a digital wireframe in Figma for the primary screen of a sketching application. This app lets users quickly make shareable, black-and-white sketches using their fingers on a touchscreen.
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9 minWorkshop
What Is an MVP?
This workshop is designed for entrepreneurs and product developers eager to bring their ideas to life efficiently. You’ll learn the essential principles of creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), a fundamental strategy for fast-tracking the development process while minimizing risk and investment. Whether you're a startup founder, product manager, or a member of a development team, this workshop will equip you with the tools and knowledge to efficiently validate your product ideas and accelerate your path to market. Get ready to transform your vision into a tangible, testable product with maximum learning at minimal cost.
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Practice Prototyping in Figma
Enhance your prototyping skills by linking mockups in Figma and experimenting with tap, time, and drag interactions.