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- • AI
- • JavaScript
- • React
- • No Code
- • Python
- • Design
- • HTML
- • CSS
- • Game Development
- • Data Analysis
- • Development Tools
- • Databases
- • Security
- • Digital Literacy
- • Swift
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- • Machine Learning
- • APIs
- • Professional Skills
- • Computer Science
- • Ruby
- • Quality Assurance
- • PHP
- • Go Language
- • Android
- • Learning Resources
- • College Credit
- • Coding for Kids
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(UPI) Chapter 1: Introduction to Programming
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This chapter introduces the fundamentals of programming, including the software development process, tools, and methods used to develop and test programs. Key topics include: Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) Version Control Input and Output Hello World Program: Presented in both pseudocode and flowchart format. Programming Language Introduction: Python is introduced with example code.
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(UPI) Chapter 1: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Basics
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) In this chapter, you will learn the essential building blocks of web development, starting with HTML for structuring content, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for adding interactivity to web pages.
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(UPI) Chapter 1: Foundations of HTML and Web Development
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This guide provides a comprehensive introduction to HTML and CSS, the core technologies for creating and styling web pages. It covers HTML's role in structuring content, CSS's function in enhancing visual design, and their integration to build dynamic, accessible, and responsive websites. With practical examples and insights into standards and best practices, readers will gain the foundational knowledge and skills needed for modern web development.
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(UPI) Chapter 17: Key Concepts in Data Analysis: Indexing, Slicing, Missing Data, and Visualization
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) Data Science provides the ability to derive insights and make informed decisions from data. It plays a crucial role in various disciplines, including: Healthcare Business Education Politics Environmental Science Social Sciences This chapter aims to provide an introduction to the field of data science and the data science life cycle. The resources provided in this chapter are meant to guide readers using Python to further explore data science.
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(UPI) Chapter 16: Working with Files in Python
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course focuses on file handling in Python, detailing how to read from, write to, and manipulate files effectively while managing exceptions to handle errors gracefully. It also introduces working with file paths, CSV files, and advanced file operations to streamline data processing tasks.
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(UPI) Chapter 15: Understanding and Implementing Inheritance in Python: Concepts and Practices
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) Real-world entities are often described in relation to other entities. For example, a finch is a type of bird. Similarly, classes, which represent types of real-world entities, can be related to each other. Inheritance describes the relationship in which one class is a type of another class. Classes within inheritance relationships can inherit attributes and methods from other classes without needing to redefine everything. Thus, inheritance in object-oriented programming reduces redundancy and promotes modularity.
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(UPI) Chapter 14: Exploring Recursion
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course explores recursion in Python, showcasing its power to solve complex problems by breaking them down into smaller, manageable sub-problems. It covers key concepts such as base and recursive cases, and demonstrates applications in solving factorials, Fibonacci sequences, and the Three Towers problem.
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(UPI) Chapter 13: Understanding Key Concepts in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Their Implementation
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) A programmer can model real-world entities as objects for better program design and organization. A class defines a type of object with attributes and methods. Many instances of a class type can be created to represent multiple objects in a program. Classes promote reusability and add benefits like data abstraction and encapsulation, which help organize code for better usability and extensibility.
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(UPI) Chapter 12: Mastering Python Dictionaries
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course focuses on Python dictionaries, exploring their use as key-value pair data structures for efficient data storage, access, and modification. It covers advanced topics like looping through dictionaries, using conditionals, creating nested dictionaries, and applying dictionary comprehensions for concise and effective coding.
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(UPI) Chapter 11: Mastering List Operations, Iteration, and Comprehensions
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) Programmers often work on collections of data. Lists are a useful way of collecting data elements. Python lists are extremely flexible, and, unlike strings, a list's contents can be changed. Introduction to Lists The Objects chapter introduced lists. This chapter explores operations that can be performed on lists.
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(UPI) Chapter 10: Mastering Python Modules
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course delves into Python modules, showcasing how they organize code for better reusability and scalability, with built-in modules like math and third-party options from PyPI. It also explains techniques to prevent side effects, resolve name collisions, and use the help() function for module documentation.
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(UPI) Chapter 9: Introduction to Python Data Structures: Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) An object is a single unit of data in a Python program. So far, this course has introduced three types of objects: strings, integers, and floats. This chapter introduces three types of containers: lists, tuples and dictionaries. A container is an object that can hold an arbitrary number of other objects. By the end of this chapter, you will be equipped to solve more complex problems using fewer variables.
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(UPI) Chapter 8: Functions and Control Flow in Python
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course focuses on Python functions and control flow, explaining how functions promote modularity, reusability, and clarity in programming. It also explores variable scope, arguments, return values, and the interplay between functions to build efficient and maintainable code.
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(UPI) Chapter 7: Comprehensive Guide to Python Loops and Control Statements
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) Loops in Programming A loop is a code block that runs a set of statements while a given condition is true. Loops are often used for performing repetitive tasks. For example: The software on a phone repeatedly checks to see if the phone is idle. Once the time set by a user is reached, the phone is locked. Loops can also be used for iterating over lists, such as student names in a roster, and printing the names one at a time. In this chapter, two types of loops are introduced: For Loop While Loop This chapter also introduces the break and continue statements, which are used to control a loop's execution.
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(UPI) Chapter 6: Decision-Making in Python
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course explores decision-making in Python through control structures like sequence, selection, and iteration, emphasizing their role in structured programming. It covers if-else statements, nested decisions, and conditional expressions, highlighting the importance of clarity and efficiency in program flow.
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(UPI) Chapter 5: Assignment, Arithmetic, Relational, and Logical Operations
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This chapter delves into the fundamental concepts of operators and expressions in programming, focusing on the various types of operations that can be performed on data. It covers assignment operators, which allow for the storing and updating of values in variables, arithmetic operators that perform basic mathematical calculations, and relational operators that compare values to produce Boolean results. The chapter also explores the distinctions between assignment and equality in programming, logical operators that connect expressions to control program flow, and special operations like integer division, modulus, and unary operations. Each of these operators plays a crucial role in the logic and functionality of programming, enabling the manipulation and evaluation of data to produce desired outcomes.
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(UPI) Chapter 4: Understanding Python Errors, Comments, and Code Quality
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course explores common Python errors, teaching how to interpret error messages and avoid mistakes like syntax and indentation issues. It also emphasizes the importance of writing clear comments and maintaining code quality to improve readability and collaboration.
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(UPI) Chapter 3: Introduction to Basic Data Types and Operations in Python
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This chapter delves into the foundational concepts of Python programming, focusing on the essential building blocks such as numeric variables, strings, and the operations that can be performed on them. It introduces the concept of objects, which can be of various types, including integers, floats, and strings, and how these objects can be assigned to variables for manipulation in code. The chapter covers basic arithmetic operations, string manipulations, and the use of truthiness in evaluating expressions. Additionally, it discusses important aspects of Python programming, such as the dynamic typing of variables, indexing and slicing strings, and the use of escape sequences and f-strings for formatted output. Through examples and practical exercises, the chapter aims to build a strong foundation in these core Python concepts.
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(UPI) Chapter 2: Introduction to Python
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) Python is a versatile scripting language valued for its simplicity, modular design, and extensive library support, making it suitable for applications in data science, machine learning, and web development. Its clear syntax and line-by-line interpretation allow for efficient debugging and ease of use for programmers.
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(UPI) Chapter 11: Managing Errors, Debugging, and Handling Events in JavaScript
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) Chapter 11 of our JavaScript course delves into some of the most crucial aspects of writing reliable and maintainable code in JavaScript. We begin by exploring error handling, a fundamental skill for developers to manage unexpected situations gracefully using constructs like try, catch, finally, and throw. Following this, we examine the most common JavaScript errors, such as ReferenceError, SyntaxError, and TypeError, providing insight into their causes and how to avoid them. The chapter also introduces debugging techniques, where we discuss various methods and strategies for identifying and resolving issues in JavaScript code. Finally, we conclude with an exploration of advanced event handling and user interface applications, focusing on how to effectively manage DOM events in complex web applications.
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(UPI) Chapter 10: Utilizing Forms with JavaScript
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course explores HTML forms and their integration with JavaScript, covering form creation, accessibility, input validation, and the client-server architecture for handling submissions, culminating in advanced techniques for dynamic form management.
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(UPI) Chapter 9: Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM) with JavaScript
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) In this chapter, we delve into the foundational concepts and techniques essential for manipulating web documents through the Document Object Model (DOM). The DOM is a programming interface that allows developers to interact with and modify the structure, content, and style of HTML and XML documents dynamically. Starting with an exploration of the DOM's core functionality, we proceed to understand how nodes, the building blocks of the DOM tree, can be located, navigated, and manipulated using various methods. This chapter covers a comprehensive range of topics, including modifying element content and attributes, removing elements, and dynamically adjusting CSS through JavaScript, all of which are crucial for building responsive and interactive web pages.
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(UPI) Chapter 8: Understanding JavaScript Data Structures
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course delves into core data structures in JavaScript, specifically focusing on arrays, strings, maps, and sets. The initial sections provide a comprehensive understanding of JavaScript arrays, covering their structure, implementation, and fundamental operations. It further explores the manipulation of arrays and strings, offering insights into how to efficiently convert between these two types.
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(UPI) Chapter 7: Advanced JavaScript Object Handling
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) Chapter 7 of our JavaScript course dives into the intricacies of object manipulation, object-oriented programming (OOP), and the utilization of built-in objects within JavaScript. We begin by exploring the fundamentals of working with objects, including the use of dot and bracket notations, setting object members, and understanding the concept of "this." The journey progresses into object-oriented programming, where we cover classes, instances, inheritance, encapsulation, and the significance of prototypes in JavaScript. Additionally, the chapter introduces the built-in objects available in JavaScript, highlighting their practical applications. We also explore strings and date-time manipulation, focusing on their properties, methods, and usage in JavaScript programming.
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(UPI) Chapter 6: Functions in JavaScript
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course delves into the core aspects of JavaScript functions, offering a comprehensive understanding of how functions operate and their significance in modern web development. It begins with an overview of JavaScript functions, exploring their foundational principles and practical applications. The course progresses to discuss the handling of arguments and return values, which are crucial for creating dynamic and flexible code. Additionally, it introduces more advanced concepts like arrow functions and recursion, providing insight into how these features can be utilized to write more concise and efficient code.
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(UPI) Chapter 5: Conditional Logic and Iteration in JavaScript
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) In this chapter, we delve into two fundamental concepts of JavaScript that are essential for controlling the flow of code: conditional statements and loops. Conditional statements allow developers to execute different code blocks based on specific conditions, enabling dynamic decision-making within applications. Loops, on the other hand, are powerful tools for executing repetitive tasks efficiently. This chapter will guide you through the various types of conditional statements in JavaScript, such as if, else, and switch, and explore the different looping constructs, including for, while, and do-while loops, along with their practical applications.
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(UPI) Chapter 4: Mastering JavaScript Basics: Operators, Variable Scope, and Data Handling
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course provides a detailed overview of JavaScript operators and their applications in performing arithmetic, logical, and comparison operations. Additionally, it delves into the concept of variable scope, explaining the different types—block, function, module, and global—and their importance in ensuring organized and error-free code
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(UPI) Chapter 3: Fundamentals of JavaScript Programming
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) In this chapter, we delve into foundational concepts of JavaScript that are essential for any programmer to master. We begin by exploring the nuances of Automatic Semicolon Insertion (ASI) and the role of reserved words in JavaScript, which are crucial for understanding how JavaScript interprets and executes code. Following this, we introduce the basics of variables in JavaScript, emphasizing their usage and practical examples that illustrate their importance in storing and manipulating data. We then move on to a comprehensive guide on JavaScript Regular Expressions (Regex), a powerful tool for pattern matching and text manipulation. The section concludes with an in-depth examination of JavaScript's primitive data types—Boolean, Undefined, Null, and Symbol—along with numeric data types such as Number and BigInt, which are fundamental to performing various operations in JavaScript.
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(UPI) Chapter 2: Integration of JavaScript with HTML
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) In this course, we will dive into the foundational aspects of integrating JavaScript within HTML to enhance web development. Starting with the basics of the HTML < script> tag, we explore how JavaScript is embedded directly into HTML documents to create dynamic and interactive web pages.
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(UPI) Chapter 11: How to use CSS transitions, transforms, animations, and filters
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This chapter provides an in-depth guide on using CSS transitions, transforms, animations, and filters to enhance the visual appeal of web pages. You'll learn how to smoothly animate element properties, manipulate elements in 2D space, create interactive animations, and apply visual effects to images and other elements without editing source files.
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(UPI) Chapter 10: Enhancing Web Pages with Audio and Video
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course explores the integration of audio and video into web pages, focusing on the use of HTML elements such as < audio> and < video>. It provides guidance on file compatibility, embedding techniques, and enhancing user experience through controls and responsive design.
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(UPI) Chapter 9: Responsive Web Design
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) Responsive Web Design (RWD) ensures websites adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices, providing a consistent and user-friendly experience. By using fluid layouts with percentage-based widths, scalable images, and media queries, RWD allows content to adjust dynamically. This approach enhances usability on desktops, tablets, and mobile phones, offering an optimized design that adjusts to any screen size while maintaining readability and performance across all devices.
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(UPI) Chapter 8: Enhancing Web Design with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course delves into enhancing web design using CSS, focusing on techniques such as floating and clearing elements to create multi-column layouts, styling tables, and using CSS properties for better accessibility and usability. These concepts enable the development of visually appealing and user-friendly web pages that are both structured and interactive.
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(UPI) Chapter 7: Facilitating User Interaction with HTML Forms
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) In this chapter, you'll learn how to create and enhance HTML forms, including form structure, validation techniques, and advanced input controls such as radio buttons, checkboxes, file uploads, and more. This guide covers best practices for accessibility, user interaction, and CSS styling to optimize your forms for both functionality and user experience.
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(UPI) Chapter 6: Navigating with HTML Links and Structuring Data with Tables
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course explores the creation of HTML links and the structuring of data using tables. It delves into techniques for coding hyperlinks with accessibility in mind and provides a comprehensive guide to building, styling, and enhancing tables with advanced HTML tags and CSS styling for better usability and aesthetics
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(UPI) Chapter 5: Image Manipulation in HTML
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) In this chapter on Image Manipulation in HTML, you'll discover essential techniques for effectively placing and optimizing images on web pages. It covers various web-friendly formats such as JPEG, GIF, PNG, WebP, and AVIF. Additionally, the chapter explores CSS methods for resizing, aligning, and floating images, creating image rollovers and maps, and utilizing SVG for scalable graphics. It also offers practical advice on sourcing high-quality images, working with icons and favicons, and optimizing images for performance and accessibility. By implementing these strategies, you can enhance your website’s visual appeal, improve load times, and boost SEO effectiveness.
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(UPI) Chapter 4: Understanding the CSS Box Model
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course provides an in-depth explanation of the CSS box model, a fundamental concept in web design. It covers the components of the model—content, padding, border, and margin—and how they collectively determine the size and spacing of elements on a webpage
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(UPI) Chapter 3: Web Design with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used to style HTML elements, enabling web developers to control the layout, appearance, and design of web pages. Through external, embedded, and inline styles, CSS separates content from design, improving website consistency and flexibility. Key features of CSS include selectors for targeting elements, advanced color specifications (e.g., RGBA, HSL, HSLA), font styling, and advanced techniques like using custom properties for reusable values and theming. Developer tools and CSS custom properties enhance the workflow by making it easier to inspect and modify styles, ensuring responsive and user-friendly web designs.
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(UPI) Chapter 2: HTML Essentials: Elements and Lists
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course focuses on the essential building blocks of HTML, including elements for structuring content, creating lists, and improving accessibility with semantic tags. It introduces the < head> section, metadata, and best practices for enhancing SEO and user experience. Additionally, the course explains how to style and structure navigation menus using CSS and HTML5 elements, promoting clear organization and visual appeal on web pages.
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The Complete Guide to Publishing Your No-Code Apps with Adalo
This comprehensive course guides you step-by-step through the process of publishing your Adalo-built applications to major platforms, including the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and the web. Whether you're launching your first app or looking to refine your publishing skills, this course equips you with the knowledge and tools to make it happen. Perfect for entrepreneurs, product managers, and developers of all skill levels who want to bring their Adalo projects to market, this course will give you the confidence and expertise to publish your apps across multiple platforms, reaching users wherever they are.
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Build an Instagram Clone in Adalo
Ready to create your own almost-perfect copy of Instagram? In this hands-on course, you'll build a fully functional social media app using Adalo, a no-code app development platform. From setting up a robust database to designing an intuitive user interface, you'll learn to implement key features like user onboarding, posting and viewing content, messaging, notifications, and more. By the end of the course, you'll have a polished Instagram clone and the skills to tackle other no-code projects with confidence.
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App Planning & Organization with Adalo
Turn your app ideas into reality—no coding knowledge required! In App Planning & Organization with Adalo, you'll learn essential strategies to organize, scope, and develop your no-code app with confidence. This course covers effective app organization and scoping techniques, helping you outline your app's features, goals, and structure for a seamless development process. You'll also dive into branding essentials, learning how to create and implement unique design elements that give your Adalo app a polished and professional look. To ensure your workflow is smooth and efficient, the course will give tips for chosing a project management framework such as Kanban and Scrum, along with tools like Trello, Airtable, and Asana. You'll also learn about collaboration applications like Google Sheets, Google Docs, and Notion, perfect for document sharing and team collaboration. By the end of this course, you'll have the knowledge and skills to plan and execute your app development process like a pro, ensuring your Adalo app stands out from the crowd!
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Getting Started in Adalo
Unlock the power of no-code app development with Getting Started in Adalo! This beginner-friendly course introduces you to Adalo, an intuitive platform that allows anyone to design and build fully functional mobile and web apps without writing a single line of code. Whether you’re looking to create a personal project, prototype an idea, or launch a business app, this course will guide you through the essentials of using Adalo’s tools and features—no coding experience required!
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Introduction to Ruby on Rails 7
Ruby on Rails is a powerful web framework that makes creating dynamic web applications more efficient and enjoyable. This course will take you from installing Rails to building a Linktree-style application, touching on key concepts like MVC, routing, user authentication, and deployment. Whether you’re entirely new to Rails or have a bit of experience, these lessons will get you up and running quickly.
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Python for Kids
Learn the building blocks of the wonderful general purpose programming language Python.
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Supercharge Your Figma Workflow with AI Plugins
Dive into the world of Figma and AI plugins as we introduce five transformative AI tools designed to revolutionize your design process. Learn how to enhance your Figma experience with AI-driven solutions that enable rapid wireframing, insightful design feedback, and impactful UX copy creation. Each plugin brings its own unique set of capabilities, and we're here to explore them all!
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Introduction to NLP
Explore the magic of Natural Language Processing (NLP)! Ever wonder how Siri or Google Translate function? Jump into NLP, the AI field that bridges the gap between humans and computers. This course covers everything from the technical fundamentals to real-world applications and ethical considerations. Don't miss out on this linguistic adventure!
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AI Chatbot Comparison: Google Bard, Bing AI, Claude, ChatGPT
Step into the exciting world of chatbots amplified by large language models! This course aims to provide practical insights and a solid foundation in understanding and working with AI chatbots. We’ll compare four major platforms—Google Bard, Bing AI, Anthropic's Claude, and OpenAI's ChatGPT—and we’ll look at the fundamental concepts, capabilities, and limitations of each platform.
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Introduction to HTML and CSS
Get started creating web pages with HTML and CSS, the basic building blocks of web development. HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is a standard set of tags you will use to tell the web browser how the content of your web pages and applications are structured. Use CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, to select HTML tags and tell the browser what your content should look like. Whether you are coding for fun or planning to start a career in web development, learning HTML and CSS is a great place to start.
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Python Dates and Times
As a Python developer, you will inevitably come across the need to use dates and times in your projects. This course will teach you how to use Python to work with dates and times. You will learn how to manipulate and format dates, calculate time differences, and explore the built-in datetime module. By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of how to handle dates and times in Python for a variety of applications. Throughout this course, we'll work together to build a simple app that will utilize this new concept and solidify your understanding.
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Game Development with Phaser
Learn how to make your own video game in this beginner-friendly course designed to teach the fundamentals of the Phaser game engine. This course takes a hands-on approach to learning by showing you how to setup and create two games from scratch. With this step-by-step guidance, you will gain a solid understanding of the features of the Phaser game engine needed to create a fun game. By the end of the course, you'll not only have two games to show for your effort, but you'll also gain the skills and confidence to build a game of your own.
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Introduction to Computer Vision
Computer Vision (CV) is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence that enables machines to interpret and make decisions based on visual data. Explore its origins and applications, and the fundamental concepts that drive its development.
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Designing with Generative AI
Join Dan in this course as he uses generative AI to design a website for a bakery, employing the tools and methods highlighted in AI Tools for Designers.
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React Basics
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React makes building and maintaining your application's user interface faster and easier by breaking it up into smaller, reusable components. It also helps eliminate the complexity of updating your DOM elements when the user interacts with your application.
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AI Tools for Designers
Join Dan as he embarks on a captivating journey into the world of Generative AI. Go deep into the revolutionary platforms, from Midjourney and Adobe Firefly to DALL·E and Bing Image Creator, that are reshaping the artistic landscape. Alongside this exploration, the video delves into the ethical implications of AI creation, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and originality.
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The 5-Step Career Checklist
Welcome to your 5-Step Career Checklist, a course designed to guide you through the process of building essential skills and increasing your employability. This checklist comprises a series of tasks and milestones covering a wide range of crucial topics such as crafting a compelling resume, mastering the art of networking, and leveraging technology to showcase your abilities.
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React Authentication
In this course, you will learn how to implement the Basic Authentication scheme in a React application using an Express REST API.
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Introducing Large Language Models
Large Language Models like ChatGPT are rapidly transforming natural language processing and shaping the future of technology. In this microcourse, learn more about this fascinating type of machine learning model specifically trained to understand and generate natural language text. This microcourse was written with the help of ChatGPT. The video was produced using Synthesia, an AI video creation platform.
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TypeScript Basics
Dive into the basics of TypeScript, an open-source programming language created by Microsoft that shares the same basic syntax as JavaScript. In this beginner course, you'll explore using, creating, and manipulating types to help you write robust and readable code.
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React Router v6 Basics
Learn to use React Router v6, a declarative routing solution for React, to manage the navigation and rendering of components in your applications.
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React Components
Components are the core building blocks of a React application. This course will level-up your React skills by providing a better understanding of functional components, state and lifecycle methods, and how to split your UI into reusable and composable components.
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Build a Chatbot with Watson APIs
IBM has created an AI platform named Watson that gives businesses and developers access to powerful tools for text and speech analysis, computer vision, and more. Watson APIs consist of a suite of services used to process or analyze data to answer questions and make decisions. This course will show you how to build a chatbot with Node.js and the Conversation and Discovery services from Watson. You'll also learn how to setup your bot on the IBM Cloud platform.
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Node.js Basics
In this course we will create two command line applications using the popular server-side JavaScript platform Node.js. We'll be creating an application to retrieve a student's Treehouse profile information and be working with a dictionary API to retrieve definitions of a given word.
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Intro to Seaborn
The Seaborn module is a Python visualization library based on Matplotlib. It provides a higher-level, more convenient way to create common statistical plots and is well-suited for labeling and presenting statistical graphics. This course will help you get started with Seaborn by walking through the structure of its library, showing how to create key charts in Seaborn, and comparing the results with equivalent plots created with Matplotlib.
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npm Basics
npm is a command line tool to help you manage Node.js modules, and this course will get you up and running with npm.
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Preparing Data for Analysis
Learn how to clean and prep data for analysis using spreadsheet tools and Python's Pandas.
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UX Design Patterns
If you’re a frequent user of websites and mobile applications, you’re already familiar with design patterns, whether you’re aware of them or not. Design patterns are visual strategies for solving common usability problems. Design patterns keep the cognitive load to a minimum by making interfaces feel intuitive. When I say cognitive load, I mean the mental effort involved in solving a problem or making a decision.
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JavaScript and the DOM
JavaScript lets you create interactive web pages which can respond to a user's actions. In this course, you'll learn how to bring web pages to life using the power of JavaScript.
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Interacting with the DOM
Along with selecting DOM elements in JavaScript we can also write code that gives elements behavior. In this course we will first explore how to watch for interaction and respond using the method addEventListener. We'll learn about different types of events and how we can use the relationships between elements to write more powerful code.
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Data Visualization Foundations
What is data visualization? A simple answer might be something like the graphic representation of data. But to get a better understanding of what practitioners of data visualization do, let’s start with the term data. By data, I mean raw, unorganized facts and numbers. Practitioners of data visualization take raw, hard-to-grasp data and turn that data into information by providing context and a purpose.
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Important Skills for Professional Success
No matter what job you're in right now or career you hope to have, improving your "soft skills" can help you become a better worker, better team member, and a better person. Embracing a work lifestyle involving communication and feedback, collaboration, and working together to improve things can only lead to positive results.
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Careers in the Tech Industry
Through a series of interviews with Treehouse teachers and more, we explore the current state of the tech industry, including how to get started as a web designer, developer, or app developer.
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Technical Interview Prep: Python Basics
Test your basic Python knowledge with a few code challenges. These challenges are similar to those you might encounter in a technical interview.
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Basic Statistics for Data Analysis
Basic statistics concepts learned through traditional schools may have been forgotten or not utilized for a long time. This course is to remind students how to calculate basic statistics, solidify understanding of the terminology, and determine which graphs might be most useful in displaying data.
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Flask with SQLAlchemy Basics
Learn how to use the popular Python framework for creating websites and web applications, Flask. Then upgrade your website with a database connection using SQLAlchemy.
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SQLAlchemy Basics
Creating a SQL database including model creation and CRUD using SQLAlchemy.
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Mobile-First CSS Layout
In this course, you'll get hands-on practice using CSS layout techniques such as a CSS Reset with Normalize, a layout wrapper, a sticky footer, and centered content with a full-width header. In addition, you'll learn principles that will help you approach your next project with a mobile-first mindset.
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Enhancing Design with CSS
In this course, we're going to learn CSS properties for enhancing visual design. We’ll cover various properties for styling text, including loading web fonts from external resources. We’ll learn techniques for turning our CSS boxes into more than just rectangles. And finally, we’ll learn some really cool visual effects using CSS filters and gradients.
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CSS Layout
In this course, we're going to learn techniques for better control over our CSS layouts. We’ll cover how the CSS Box Model impacts the presentation of each HTML element, learn to control the position of each element onscreen, and even begin to adjust our layouts for different screen sizes and environments.
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CSS Basics
In this course, we're going to learn the basics of CSS, one of the core technologies for designing and building websites and applications. No matter what kind of website or web application you want to build, you'll have to use CSS. If you haven't written much CSS, or even if you’ve never written CSS at all, don’t worry. That's what this course is for. We’ll start with basic CSS concepts, then gradually progress to more advanced topics and lessons.
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How to Have 1:1's
Learn WHY one-on-ones are the most important meeting on your calendar for you and your manager as well as HOW we recommend preparing for and best practices for one-on-ones.
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Collaborating with Developers
Designers will learn how to involve developers throughout the design process, from conceptual brainstorming to implementation in code.
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Technical Interviewing
This seminar will cover a range of what you might experience in a technical interview, since they vary by company. We’ll discuss best practices for whiteboarding and other alternatives such as pair programming or portfolio review as well as useful tools to help you practice.
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Basic Object-Oriented Python
Learn the powerful object-oriented method of designing and laying out code.
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Intro to Data Analysis
An introduction to the concepts, tools, and terms for data analysis.
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Intro to Design Thinking
Learn the user-centered methods and mindsets that entire businesses are using to improve their product experiences. Throughout this course, we’ll go over how to find the voice of our user, the importance of that voice, and how to create a better experience for our user.
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Basic Math for Data Analysis
Basic math concepts learned through traditional schools may have been forgotten or not utilized for a long time. This workshop is to remind students how to calculate basic statistics and refresh their memory on terminology.
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Ethical Design
With all the power that technology yields, it comes with tremendous responsibility. This course will introduce Ethical Design, which considers the moral implication of one's work on others. Specifically, we'll focus on tech at the intersection of development, design, and business. We'll reflect on how tricky interfaces and dirty data practices have negative consequences on society. Ethical frameworks and tools will be shared so you can evaluate and align your actions with your values. Techniques for effective advocacy will enable you to nurture human-centered decisions in your organization. This course is for everyone who works in tech, regardless of their role.
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Accessibility For Web Developers
Accessibility is a process that specifically considers the needs of people with disabilities. In this course, you’ll learn about the standards in place to guide developers in creating experiences that are accessible to all users as well as tools and techniques to ensure your projects are up to those standards.
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Intro to Gender & Sexuality
In this seminar, we'll do an overview of gender and sexuality. We will breakdown these terms, discuss its importance, and how to be inclusive and equitable to these identities.
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REST API Validation with Express
Explore how to validate data on the server using a REST API developed with Node.js and Express. The API will allow you to create a user account and retrieve a list of user accounts.
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Data Relationships with SQL and Sequelize
As you follow along in this course, you'll define data relationships for a simple Node application that creates and retrieves movie data. You'll define data relationships in Sequelize models, and create related data (like Movie and Person records) using those models. Then you'll retrieve related data with Sequelize queries.
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A Social Network with Flask
It's time to dig in and build something big. In this course, we're going to take the tools we've learned, Flask, Peewee, and Python itself, and build a small social network. We'll have user registration, user authentication, strongly hashed passwords, form validation, and more.
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User Onboarding
User onboarding optimization has a huge impact on user retention, allowing users to engage with a product and understand its value. We'll take a look at several user onboarding patterns.
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Accessibility for UX Designers
Accessible design is a design process that specifically considers the needs of people with disabilities. In this course, you’ll learn about the standards in place to guide designers in creating experiences that are accessible to all users as well as techniques to help bring your projects up to those standards.
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JavaScript Objects
Objects are an essential part of JavaScript; they provide a flexible way to keep track of data by associating a name with a particular value. In this course, you'll learn the basics of JavaScript objects as a data structure (using objects to store key/value pairs).
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JavaScript Arrays
Arrays provide a way to store multiple pieces of information. An array is a list of values: numbers, strings, boolean values, or even other arrays. In this course, you'll learn the basics of using arrays as data structures.
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JavaScript Loops
Loops are a way of repeating code -- they're handy for repetitive tasks. Loops are frequently used for actions that need to run a particular number of times or until a certain condition is true.
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Imposter Syndrome
Everyone has probably experienced Imposter Syndrome. We may not know what it is but we have felt it at some point. In these videos learn about what Imposter Syndrome is and tips to combat it.
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Build a REST API with Laravel
Build a REST API using one of the most popular PHP frameworks, Laravel. In this course you'll learn how to implement CRUD operations in a Laravel REST API using the MVC design pattern.
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How to Give and Receive Feedback
Learn why feedback is useful. You'll explore a simple process for providing feedback (both positive and constructive) in a way that will be well-received and motivate the right behavior. You'll also learn tips for receiving feedback effectively and putting it into action.
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Laravel Basics
This course will show you how to build the Treehouse course catalog using Laravel, one of the most popular PHP frameworks. You could easily use this project to create your own basic Laravel application using the MVC design pattern.
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Designing Interactions
Learn the principles of Interaction Design, including the five dimensions, interaction models, and cognitive psychology. Apply those principles by learning how to design interactions in a design program.
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Getting Started With Human Interface Guidelines
Learn how to work with Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines documentation. Learn to apply Human Interface Guidelines principles when designing iOS applications.
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Getting Started With Material Design
Learn how to work with Google’s Material Design documentation. Learn to apply Material Design principles when designing applications for the Android platform.
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Introduction to Design Systems
Learn how a scalable, repeatable design system leads to a more efficient design. Learn the components of a design system, and how to work with existing documentation.
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JavaScript Functions
JavaScript functions let you create reusable chunks of code. They make programming faster, easier, and less error-prone. They are also one of the essential concepts in JavaScript programming.
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JavaScript Numbers
Numbers are everywhere in programming. You use them to track a player's score in a game, calculate the cost of shipping a product, or count the number of times a "Like" button gets clicked on a page. In this course, you'll learn how to use numbers for useful tasks in your JavaScript programs, including doing math, converting strings to numbers, generating random numbers, and more.
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JavaScript Basics
JavaScript is a programming language that drives the web: from front-end user interface design to server-side backend programming, you'll find JavaScript at every stage of a website and web application. In this course, you'll learn the fundamental programming concepts and syntax of the JavaScript programming language.
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Typography for Designers
Typography is one of the most important aspects of good design. In this course, you'll learn all you need to know about creating good typography as a UX Designer: how to choose a typeface; what to look for when laying out type, how to create typographic hierarchy, laying out type, and creating responsive typography.
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Conducting User Interviews
Learn how to validate product ideas by identifying an audience, sourcing participants, conducting user interviews, and analyzing the results.
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Working with $_GET and $_POST in PHP
This course will show you how to work with PHP Superglobals such as $GET and $POST while using a security-conscious mindset. External inputs, like HTML forms, are considered a security vulnerability so you should always filter inputs and escape outputs. Using PHP Superglobals when using external inputs such as HTML forms, cookies, sessions, and web servers will give you a security-conscious mindset that you can apply to all of your projects.
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Build a Basic PHP Website
This project will show you how to build a simple website using the PHP programming language. The web site, a media library, will let you organize and display your Books, Movies and Music. You could easily use this project to create a website that lets you organize and display any type of item: Branch Locations, Products, Services, Events, even Courses like we have here on Treehouse.
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Using SQL ORMs with Node.js
In this course, you'll learn how to use the Sequelize ORM to leverage the power of SQL within your Node.js applications.
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Introducing Dictionaries
Another useful Python data structure is the dictionary. Learn how to write one and use one in your day-to-day Python code.
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Python Sequences
Discover several types of Python sequences, many ways of sequence iterations, and all of the common sequence operations.
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Functions, Packing, and Unpacking
Learn the ins and outs of Python functions, how to send and receive values to functions, and all about Python packing and unpacking.
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Introducing Tuples
Learn about a Python data structure that's similar to lists but with one key difference!
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Designing Layouts
In this course, you'll learn how to apply design principles through a series of examples. Each example will include some component that can be improved, and by making the improvement, you'll develop strong aesthetic sensibilities about things like visual and typographic hierarchy, the use of grids and alignment in layouts, and how to choose colors.
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AJAX Basics
AJAX is an important front-end web technology that lets JavaScript communicate with a web server. It lets you load new content without leaving the current page, creating a better, faster experience for your website's visitors. In this course, you'll learn how AJAX works and how you can use JavaScript to communicate with a web server. We'll use plain JavaScript to create AJAX requests and use the response to dynamically update your web pages. Along the way, you'll build mini-projects to reinforce your learning.
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C# Basics
C# is the most popular programming language in the Microsoft ecosystem of products. C# code is designed to run fast and to be easily maintainable. In C# Basics, we'll learn how to work with C# to write simple programs.
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Using Cookies and JWTs for Secure Authentication
Refactor an existing authentication project by using cookies and JSON Web Token to increase security. Cookies are a way for a browser to store information while tokens are a stand-in or representation for something else.
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Asynchronous Programming with JavaScript
In this course, you will learn why asynchronous code matters and how to write code that avoids blocking behavior using three approaches: callbacks, promises, and async/await.
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Financial Statement Basics
Understanding how to read the story that financial statements tell is a really useful skill and an important part of career development. In this course, we’ll give a basic overview of the 3 main financial statements: the Profit and Loss Statement, the Balance Sheet, and the Cash Flow Statement. We’ll teach what they show you, why it matters, and give you a bunch of practice problems to help retain that knowledge. After completing this course, you will be able to read, understand, and use financial statements and build on that knowledge as you continue to learn about them.
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Getting Started with PHP Unit Testing
For all us imperfect programmers, I have some great news. There are tools that can help you keep those mistakes from breaking your application. They can also help you find and fix bugs faster, while at the same time, preventing those bugs from ever coming back. Many of these tools revolve around testing.
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Visual Design Foundations
In this course, you'll build your design vocabulary and learn how to describe the basic building blocks of any visual image. We'll start by learning about the elements of design, like line, shape, and form. Then we'll move on to the principles of design, like balance, harmony, and movement. By the end, you'll have a better foundation for discussing design with other team members and you'll be able to make objective observations about what is often subjective subject matter.
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Introduction to User Authentication in PHP
Do you want users to be able to interact with your site? Do you want users who are active participants in the content you provide? That interaction could be purchasing products or adding products to sell, leaving comments or providing blog posts. No matter which type of interaction your site provides to users, you'll need a way to authenticate those users. In this course we'll lay the foundation for keep your data safe and secure while building a platform for active participation.
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Continuous Integration with Jenkins
Jenkins is a continuous integration server. Integration tests take all the code and other components of your application and integrate it together, then test it to ensure it's working properly. Jenkins can watch repos for version control software like Git or Subversion. When there's a new commit, Jenkins will check it out automatically. It will run your tests, and report the result. It can even be configured to automatically deploy your software to production if all the tests pass. This course is going to show you all the basics of using Jenkins.
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Introduction to Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions are like having a secret code for telling a computer exactly what you want. Regex, as it's often referred to, is a text string for describing a search pattern. You can think of it as a supercharged version of a find tool. In this course, we'll explore what regular expressions are, and get some practice using them.
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REST APIs with Express
Learn the basics of building out a REST API with Express, a popular framework written for Node.js.
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Asynchronous Code in Express
In this course, we’ll look more closely at three approaches to handling asynchronous operations in Express: callbacks, promises, and async/await.
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CSS Selectors Quickstart
An introduction to CSS selectors for JavaScript programmers. This course covers what you need to know about CSS selectors to complete common DOM programming tasks.
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Build a REST API with PHP
Build a REST API using the Slim Microframework.
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Practice Object Interaction
Get more familiar with building different classes, instantiating objects and having those objects interact with one another in a complete app.
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Introduction to the Terminal
Apps for ordinary users use GUIs you control with a mouse or touchscreen. But developers know the most powerful way to interact with computers is by using text in the terminal. This course will set you on the path to terminal mastery!
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Templating with Twig
Templating languages and tools are used with frameworks like Slim and Laravel to incorporate PHP and logic into static HTML web pages. In this course we will see how to apply Object-Oriented methodology to views (web pages with HTML).
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Introducing MVC Frameworks in PHP
In this course we will build upon what we have learned about Object-Oriented Programming to build a basic website. By using the Slim Microframework, we will explore common MVC concepts without the framework hiding too much functionality out of the box.
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Design Criticism
One of the most important parts of design is being able to talk about it with other people. Giving feedback and communicating suggested changes is key to moving forward with people and businesses. In this course, you'll learn how to formulate constructive criticism and talk objectively about the subjective topic of design.
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Introduction to Churn and Lifetime Value (LTV) Analysis
This introduction to Churn and Lifetime Value ("LTV") analysis course is designed for absolute beginners to give them exposure to the common business metrics of Churn and LTV. In the course we learn about recurring revenue, churn, LTV, why they matter, and navigate some of the nuances of the metrics.
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Practice Creating and Using Functions in Python
Practice your function skills
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Building a Portfolio
Your portfolio is the most immediate means for a potential employer to decide if you’re a good fit. This course will give you insight into creating and curating a collection of your work that will most accurately reflect what you value as a designer/developer, what it might be like to work with you, and what to expect in terms of your output.
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Git Branches and Merging
This course introduces the concept of branches in Git and shows practical uses for managing both local development and collaborative workflows.
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UX Content Strategy
With so many websites and apps offering similar content and features, you need to provide a unique experience to compete - something memorable and enjoyable that resonates with your users. UX Content is how it’s done. From your home page and product descriptions down to your error messages, UX content can turn generic interactions into memorable experiences. By establishing a unique voice and personality, you can create an environment that welcomes, supports, and inspires users during their visit. So in this course, we’ll discuss why UX Content is so important, where you need it, how to create it, and how to ensure it’s effective.
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Introduction to pandas
Pandas provides fast, flexible, and expressive data structures that have been designed to make working with relational or “labeled” data not only easy, but also intuitive. It’s the fundamental high-level building block for doing practical and real-world data analysis in Python.
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Prototyping with Adobe XD
Adobe XD is a visual prototyping tool for PC and macOS. In this course, you'll learn how to use Adobe XD by building a mockup for a travel booking app. By the end, you'll be able to create interactive prototypes that can be shared with others.
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Evaluating Design
An essential part of the UX design process is measurement and validation. This course will provide an overview of the methods available for measuring the success of a design including A/B testing, surveys, and usability testing. It will specifically deep dive into usability testing so that students will learn about what’s involved in running such a test, from preparing a test plan to presenting actionable findings.
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Practice Classes in JavaScript
Practice building and working with classes in JavaScript.
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Practice Getters and Setters in JavaScript
Practice writing and using getters and setters in JavaScript classes.
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Introduction to QA Engineering
Learn how to become an effective test engineer. Testing is something every developer must do to write effective and quality code, but going about what you should test and how to do it can be a challenging question. Quality Assurance is the practice of monitoring other developers' work and creating processes and tests that will ensure the product meets the end user’s expectations and limiting the amount of bugs that are released. This course will teach you how to become a Software Quality Assurance Engineer.
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Algorithms: Sorting and Searching
This course will look at algorithms in two categories: sorting and searching. We'll implement well-known sorting algorithms like selection sort, quicksort, and merge sort. You'll also learn basic search algorithms like sequential search and binary search.
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Introduction to Data Structures
In computer science a data structure is a construct that allows us to organize and store data in our programs. In this course we're going to learn about two introductory data structures - arrays and linked lists! We'll look at common operations and how the runtimes of these operations affect our everyday code. For the rest of the course we're going to bring our knowledge of algorithms and data structures together to solve the problem of sorting data using the merge sort algorithm
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Practice Object Basics in JavaScript
Practice working with object literals in JavaScript.
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Object-Oriented JavaScript: Challenge
Practice your object-oriented JavaScript skills by building a fun and interactive 'Four in a Row' game.
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Introduction to Wireframing
Wireframing is a useful part of the design process. Throughout a website or mobile app project, you will have a lot of ideas and the best way to sort through those ideas is to brainstorm. Wireframes are a visual artifact of brainstorming, and the goal is to make them with minimal effort, as to encourage ideation. Whether you're a designer or not, wireframing is an important skill to have in your toolkit. It's beneficial for product managers, marketers, or anyone else with ideas for a website or mobile app. Wireframes are a valuable tool for visualizing user experiences, iterating on ideas, and sharing ideas with others.
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Introduction to Algorithms
Algorithms are a fundamental topic in computer science, power many of the largest companies today and are used in making many decisions that affect our day to day lives - in obvious places like Google's PageRank algorithm to more obscure use cases like national security and local policing. In this introductory course, we're going to take our first steps towards understanding the world of algorithms and data structures. Before we can study individual algorithms we're going to spend time learning how to evaluate algorithms, how to make comparisons and how to develop algorithmic thinking
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Scraping Data From the Web
Almost any information you want is available on the Internet. Web scraping is a key tool for data mining that information allowing for web page exploration and collection for a variety of reporting. The tools and techniques used in this course allow for data to be collected that would otherwise not be easily accessible without robotic assistance.
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Introduction to REST APIs
Many of the APIs you'll encounter on the Web use an underlying design idea known as REST, which stands for Representational State Transfer. Understanding what and how a REST API provides will help you build better and stronger APIs for your users.
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Introduction to NumPy
NumPy is short for Numerical Python. It is the fundamental package for scientific computing. You will see it at play in just about everywhere Python needs to deal with data. This course gives a gentle introduction to the powerful library.
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Creating User Experiences
Join us as we learn the basic principles of User Experience Design and how it shapes everyday interactions with products. By structuring products around users’ needs, we can ensure that the products do their job. You will learn how to meet users where they are, think through intuitive experiences, and create products that more effectively meet both your goals and your end users’ goals. This course will help you think more critically through the steps and decisions a user makes while interacting with your product. If you’re considering a career in User Experience (UX) or want to learn more about it, this course will expose you to how to design and plan around the people who use your product.
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Information Architecture
In this age of information, it’s not always easy to know how content should be structured - everyone has a different perspective. In this course, you’ll learn about information architecture: what it is, and how it relates to web design and user experience. We’ll learn about the fundamentals of IA components like navigation, labeling, and content organization, as well as techniques to test and evaluate existing website structures. By the end, you’ll know how to organize website content and provide a clear, logical experience for any user.
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JavaScript Quickstart
Get up to speed with the basics of JavaScript. In this course, you'll learn the fundamental concepts and syntax of the JavaScript programming language.
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The JavaScript Ecosystem
In this course, we'll explore the exciting JavaScript ecosystem. You'll learn how Node.js helped JavaScript reach new heights, discover applications and tools built with JavaScript, and evaluate popular JavaScript frameworks, libraries, developer roles, and more.
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Vue.js Basics
Vue.js is a front end JavaScript framework with a gentle learning curve. Vue’s lower barrier to entry, ease of use and fantastic documentation make it a fun and accessible technology. In this course, you’ll learn fundamental concepts that will help you get up and running with Vue. You’ll also gain skills and foundational knowledge that will help prepare you to tackle the complexities of other frameworks.
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The Landscape of JavaScript
JavaScript is everywhere and used in all phases of development from software to hardware. This course walks you through the modern landscape of JavaScript, and what it means to learn and program with JavaScript now and beyond.
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Intermediate Selenium WebDriver
Manually testing your website can only take you so far. Learn how to use Selenium WebDriver to automate the process for you, and alert you to problems before your users see them.